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Joe P.O.V

My eyes shot open from the dream I was having, I rubbed them and looked at the clock next to my bed, it was the middle of the night. I get up and instantly the cold air clinched to my warm Pjs. I open the hotel door, slowly. Darkness loomed the hall as I step in it, there was small lights but they hardly did anything, they only made the place creepier.

I tipped toed to elevator til I hear someone coming up from behind me, and that made me jump. It turned around to see only  Niall. "What are you doing?" he ask me like I killed somebody.

"Nothing." I lie. My escape plan failed. Wait, has he always be this tall? Or is 4ft 9inches too small? "Have you alway's been this tall?" I say.

"Yes. You are just too short." He teased.

I huffed,  "Hey, 4ft and 9inches tall enough." I said. He shook his head no. I looked at myself. I am too small. Damn.

"Why are you up?"  I asked. Niall looked down at me.

"I can't sleep" He shrugged.

"Lie!" I point up at him.

"Hey! You did too!" He pointed back. "Okay! I was trying to find a escape route." Yay. Now he knows.

"I went to go check on you." He said.

"You like me don't you?" I teased him with a smile.

"No! Your crazy!" He said.

"You are too!" I said. We bickered at each other to see who is the craziest. Then grumpy curly ruined it. "You're both crazy! Go back to sleep before I kill you Niall!"

"Why me?" Niall raised both hands.

"We can't kill her or we will die!" That part stumped me. I won't try to escape again. They could die if they don't bring me to this random person. Or they are just over reacting, it's hard to tell with these people. I walked back into my room and slowly made my way to the bed. I slowly lifted the blanket up and crawled into them.


I get up at ten o clock, I rolled out of bed, all the other girls where still sleeping. I walked over to where my bag was sitting, I threw on my clothes, a pair of shorts and tank top. Then I made my way to where we put our shoes and slipped mine on my shoes. I combed my hair with my fingers before I opened the door. I wanted to hang with the boys, I walked down the hall until I found their door, I knocked it and Louis open it. "What are you doing Joe?" He asked.

"I wanted to hang with you peeps." I said and shoved Louis out the way but in playful way. I went over to the first bed I saw and sat down on it.

"Let me get this strait, we kidnapped you, you bit Zayn, tried to escape and now you want to hang with us?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. I want to learn more but you. Plus the other girls are asleep." I said, "by the way I am suppose to bite you today at three twentyfive." I point at Harry.

"Why?" He asked.

"I told you curly fri, my friend is a physic." I say. They all start to laugh.

"I'll believe it when I see it."  Louis said. I scrunch up my nose in frustration.

"You'll see it." I cross my arms.

"So, Why won't you try to escape?" Zayn asked.

"I don't want to." I answered quickly.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"Why are you asking me questions? Are you spies?" I death stare Niall.

His eyes where. Beautiful, "WHY?" I say.

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