Breaking free

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Joe P.O.V

I laid there in the hospital at night waiting for sun rise. I wanted friends with me, but nooooo I get stuck with sleeping Niall. I toss in turn replaying what happen in my mind. I shiver when I felt every pain in my limbs. I hear a creak and bolted strait up and to see Niall eyes wide open

"Sorry Joe. I didn't mean to scare you." He said in a smile. Oh he thought it was funny he scared me. I grab my face and pulled it down. I couldn't sleep.

"Next time yawn before you move." I said. He gets up to me and got closer. I think he was going to kiss me so I lean my head back. Niall just stand there. I got a little comfortable until he lean closer. I smack him on the face.

"No." I said. He open his mouth and I smack him again.

"I said no!" I said. I slowly rested my head on the pillow. I know my friends are lovey dovey about them. Me? Not so much. I close my eyes. I kept them close until I heard a silent sigh. Her started to shift while I pretend to be asleep. A light breathing was on my hair, but I didn't flinch until he kiss me on the cheek. I shot strait up punching him

"Oh my living lord. What the hell was that?" I glare at him as Niall held his shoulder

"What was what?" Niall said

"That kiss. You are so into me" I yawn.

"No I am not!" Niall nervously said. I yawn again while resting my head. I was too tired to discuss this right now. I was sure sleepy though.

"We'll discuss this in the mornnnning" I gently close my eyes finally getting some sleep.

------12:00 pm---------

I wake up to see no here. They must of when and got lunch. I said looking at the clock. I turn on the news channel seeing a thing about a girl who wants to race a bunch of guys, but they won't let her. Her name was Kelly.

"I didn't think the news was this interesting!" Well now I have something to do." I laugh a little to soon when I saw my face on television. They were taking about me. What happen to me two days ago. The intern started to talk a the scene

"Joetta Parker was found here in a bag. But she was with one direction. Couldn't they protect her or they did this?" Really? They think 1D did this? Oh my god! Really dude? I see the intern talking to a crazy fan girl that was at that mall.

"One direction never do it. Sadly the fell in love with three little bitches and they ruin everything. I'll make sure she never gets out of that hospital so I can have a chance with Niall Horan." She smile. I was now frighten. What she said. I will never get out of this hospital. I change the channel to a different news. They were talking about me too. I turn it off

"I'll just read the newspaper" I nervously laugh. I grab it, but I was in the front cover. I threw the paper in the trash. I don't want this to happen. I never want to be famous. Even for being toss in a bag. I look out the widow seeing a huge angry mob of fan girls.

"My life just got a whole lot harder." I mumble. I see a car pull up. Police were behind them. Other black cars to. All cops and body guards push people out of the way. My friend pop out of the car and bolted to the hospital door.

"Oh geeze." I sigh. I lift my broken wrist. I laid down as the nurse came in with some food. Cheese sandwich with some fruit. I take a sip of the water. I wasn't that hungry. But I had to eat they told me. I really didn't wan to.

"Joe?" I hear Kali whisper as Munch on a grape. Soon my room flooded with every one. I take another bite of my sandwich. As they walk in. I have Niall the glare as he came in. I am never forget what happen. Then Perri came in with balloons and flowers as Zayn brought chocolate and teddy bears. I smile as the put the stuff in the comer.

"Thank you!" I laughed. I finish my lunch a everyone talk jibber jabber bout what happen. That is when I got an fantastic idea. I grab Sabrina's phone while she wasn't paying any attention. I looked every were for a number from 5SOS. I did find Luke, but I wasn't sure if it was him. I called any way. That is when Sabrina realize I took her phone. Everyone was silent until I herd the real Luke Hemings.


"Ahh hello! I am a random person wanting to help a dear friend, but she is alone. Get her nice earring and he name is Kelly,"

"The one on the news?" He said

"Yes. Do it or I will come at night and kill ... Bye!" I hung up as my friends stare at me crazy like.

"Hey I can help people." I said. Soon the nurse came in all happy like.

"You get to go home." OH MY GOD!!!! YES!!!!!


Kali P.O.V

Joe was really excited to leave that hospital. I was glad to. I wasn't going to stay in a stuffy room. Joe took a while to get dress, but her frustration it to her then left. She came out kinda pissed bout it.

"Do you know how hard it is to put jeans on with a broken wrist?" We all expected it to be hard for her. Now she had to face. Tougher challenge. The mob. Joe looked through the glass door seeing it block.

"Ready?" Zandy ask. Joe takes a huge breath. The police put yellow tape. So we had a path to the car. We step out to flashing lights and yelling. Joe put her hoodie over her head and looked down. Then Joe got to close an one girl that attack us at the hotel grab Joe wrist. I went to save her, but I was grab too.

"Stay away from my Niall." The red head said.

"Who said I like him?" Joe Laughed. The redhead slap Joe. That send me off the deep end. I broke free from the one girl that was a hold of me and went to save Joe. If someone was going to slap Joe it is going to be me. Not this mental red head.

"Slapping my job, not yours." I punch the girl in the nose andstarted to bolt. Joe trial behind me as we hopped in the car. Sabrina gave me a high five.

"That was amazing!" Joe said excited. Zandy laugh an the boys were shell shock. Perri laughed to even though she was super surprise too. We all went home talking about it. This is the time I get the right attention. I suck it in a let it last. Joe pat me on the back and smile

"Thank you for being a good friend." Yup sucking it in. Joe and I been friends... When we are practically born. We get into the house laughing. We brought the gifts and put in Joe's temporally room.

"Let's go out to eat tonight." Zayn said happily. Come to think of it. Why are we this happy? There was something else keeping our smiles to our face.... Hmmm. Oh we'll don't care!

------after dinner--------

Man I was stuff. That restaurant was good. I yawned again from being so full. I see Liam getting ready for bed. Man... He was adorable.... GAH!!!!!! No no no no no no no!!! I run into Joe's room to see her laying on the ground.

"Can I talk to you?" Joe said. I nod and slowly lay by her. We both look at the Celine blank expressions then Joe spoke.

"Have you ever fell in love in love but hate it?" She said. I turn to her.

"Yes just like five mins ago." I huffed.

"Me too. Niall likes me and he kiss me on the cheek." Joe said quietly.

"We'll at least yours is better I was kiss in the mouth. Damn Liam. He needs to keep his lips on someone else. Even Niall." I laughed. Joe joined the little giggles. We quiet down and fell asleep on the floor. Ahhhh..... Comfy floor.


Hi! Sorry it took me awhile but I lost wifi but now I am back.

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