Chapter 2- New Friends ?

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I arrived at detention and sat in my normal seat. Now I'm not a bad kid or a troublemaker. I just tend to speak what's on my mind and that often gets me in trouble. So i end up in detention a lot.

I sat for what felt like hours but had only been 20 minutes. Then the teacher freed us.

I walked to my locker packed my bag and left out of the school building. I took the 10 minute walk home and explained to my mum why i was late. She honestly didn't seem to care and i dont know if it bothered me or relieved me.

Just then my stomach growled LOUD. So i decided its time for food. I soon decided to go to Nandos, I hadn't been there a lot but it was down the street from my house so it was convenient. I walked out the house screaming to my mum that i'd be back later and headed towards the restaurant.

As i emtered Nandos, i got a table for one. I ordered and waited for my food to come. When i looked at my shirt i noticed a stain that hadn't been there before. I started rubbing at it when someone coughed. I looked up to find a blue eyed, blonde haired guy staring at me. He looked like he was waiting on something.We were like that for minutes until he decided to break the silence.

"You aren't going to scream" he asked. I mean why would i? Do girls typically scream in his face? How rude.

"No... why would i scream at you" I confusedly said and that seemed to bring a huge smile to his face.

"Im Niall Horan" he introduced and i waved. Why was he introducing hisself to me? "Normally that gets a reaction." he chuckled and i rolled my eyes.

Dang this dude has a HUGE ego.

"Lisa." I waved and he was still standing there sp i had no idea what to say.

"Uh do you wanna sit down?" i asked and he looked around first and then turned back to me.

"I came with some friends but im sure they wont mind. Sure." he smiled and i nodded. This was weird to say the least. I just invited a random dude to sit and eat dinner with me... whats weirder is that he agreed.

"Uh i actually ordered before you got here but im sure they'll let you just add on." i spoke and he nodded.

The waitress returned with my order and just as she was about to take his order she started to have a mini freak out.

"OH MY GOD!" she shouted and Niall gave her a soft smile.

"Shh, Love. I dont want to be noticed." He explainrd and she shook her head up and down uncontrollably.

"can i have a picture!!" she whisper shouted and he nodded, standing up to pose for her picture. She shoved her camera at me and i rolled my eyes before taking the picture of them. "Thank you so much! Ill go and get your food now!" she ran to the back and Niall chuckled lightly.

"So what is it that you do? Are you like famous or something?" I raised an eyebrow. Had i been speaking with a celebrity this entire time.

"Not really, i just have a little band and we do concerts here sometimes." He shrugged.

"Oh thats so cool!! I cant believe ive never known or heard of one playing!" I exclaimed.

"Honestly im a bit surprised by that too." he laughed and i right after the waitress brought his food.

"Im going to run to the bathroom." i announced and started my walk to the ladies room. As i passed by the mens room door it swung opem quickly and i was knocked to the ground.

"Fuck! Im so sorry!" A thick raspy voice spoke as they helped me up.

"No no, its okay." i said while rubbing my sore bottom.

"I need to be more careful." He concluded and we made eye contact. He was gorgeous. He had pretty chocolate curls that sat messily on top of his head and sofy green eyes that bored into my blue ones. His smile was magnetic and instantly made me want to start smiling as well. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He joked and i snapped from my trance.

"Maybe i will." I huffed and pulled out my phone.

"Oh so you do know who i am?" He raised an eyebrow and i gave him a comfused stare. Does everyone in London do something that means strangers should know them or what!? This is the second dude thats asked me that. "Harry." he introduced.

"Lisa" i introduced but before i got a chance to say anything else, his phome went off and he quickly glanced at it.  "I have to go, but can i have your number? To call you sometime? Maybe hang out or something." He nervously asked and i nodded, taking the phome from his hands and adding my number to it.

He gave me a quick goodbye and i ram into the bathroom because i was on the verge of peeing on myself.

As i exited the bathroom, i came back to my table to find a missing Niall and a note in his place. Written on a napkin it said

'Hey im really sorry i had to go and you were taking a bit to come back! I had a nice time and would like to do it again. Heres my number: 555-2871... call me if you felt the same.'

Wow ... i'd gotten two different boys numbers. Both super sweet and beautifully gorgeous. What are the odds? Especially for me who normally repells men.

Just as i put the note in my pocket, the waitress returned.

"Do you need a box?" she asked.

"Yes, and the check please." I smiled.

"He already paid the bill. Ill be back with your box." She spoke and wondered off. He paif the bill? How nice of him.

I collected my left over food and made the short walk home. I put the food in the fridge and wemt straight to my room and to bed.

I'm sorry guys but the chapters will get longer. I promise.

How do you like it so far?





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