Chapter 24-I might have a TINY crush on a certain blonde boy

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I woke up in completely different clothes then last night. That means one of the boys changed me. I don't really mimd because even though I've only known most of them a day, i know that they wouldn't try anything.

I walked downstairs and the boys were all in the living room.

"Morning Lisa" they all yelled in unison.

"Who changed me?" i didn't even bother with the good morning.

"YOU DRESSED HER!?!" Calum yelled at Ashton.

"Well, its uncomfortable to sleep in regular clothes. Especially jeans. I was trying to help, and i didn't look at her anyway. I don't see the problem" Ashton defended himself.

"No harm no foul, i guess" i shrugged.

"He changed you and your letting it go?" Calum asked in disbelief.

"He said he didn't look at anything" i shrugged

"You don't know what he did. You were sleep, remember!" Calum was seriously mad over this. I mean i know i should be, but he was just trying to help.

"He was only trying to help. I mean, he wouldn't try anything" i protested.

"No offence, but you need to get your head out of your ass. He could have touched you in any way. You don't even know him well enough to say that" he seethed.

"I wouldn't do that. What type of person do you think i am? I can guarantee you that i didn't touch her in any inappropriate way. That's wrong and disrespectful" Ashton interjected.

"I'm sorry, Ash" Calum apologized.

" Are you going to apologize to me?" i looked at him in disbelief.

"Nope" he popped the p and went upstairs.

I groaned and followed after. Only i went to my room. I changed into a black sweater and dark washed jeans, with a pair of black boots.

I walked back downstairs and Calum was on the couch, Ashton was making a sandwiche, Michael was on the phone and Luke was on his phone.

I planned on ignoring Calum. He is mad at me for not being mad at Ashton. What sense does that make?

"So, I'm going to work. Its amazing you guys are up this early" i laughed while grabbing my leather jacket.

"We always wake up this early" Michael said.

"Do you need a ride?" Ashton asked.

"Are you going to change her there too?" Calum mumbled and the anger boiled inside of me.

"Keep your snarky comments to yourself please" i snapped at him. He looked a bit surprised and to be honest so was i. I guess this is what he meant about pushing my feelings to the side. When they finally push their way back out and your emotions bubble over its hard to contain it.

"Yes, i would love a ride. Thank you" i smiled at Ashton.

When we got in the car he laughed "Weren't you just mad a second ago"

"It comes every once in a while" i giggled.

"Well where is your job?" he asked.

"Its across the road from the little antique shop" i said.

"I know what your talking about" he smiled and took off down the street. I had to be to work by 6:00 and it was 5:49. I would be there early.

"Here we are" he said i looked out the window to see Manahil unlocking the doors.

5 Guys 1 Girl (One Direction)*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now