Chapter 7-Ice cream and a bit of truth or dare

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I awakened from my sleep to the smell of Vanilla. I looked over and saw a happy Lisa eating a tub of Vanilla ice cream right next to me. I flashed a smile her way and she returned one.

"What were you doing" i asked her.

"Your cute when you sleep" she replied with a blush. Before i could speak again Louis ran in screaming.

"Harry don't hurt Kevin!" he yelled.

"I'm gonna hurt more than just Kevin!" Harry screamed from the kitchen through clenched teeth.

"Hello Boobear" Lisa yelled and Louis groaned.

"Will you give it a rest, you've been calling me that ALL morning" he pleaded clearly annoyed. Just then Harry ran in with a spoon pointing it at Louis.

"Don't make me use this" he threatened.

"I'm not Liam" Louis retorted. Something was different about Harry but i couldn't put my finger on it.

"BWAHAHAHA" Lisa busted out laughing and i looked at her like she was crazy.

"Your...your hair" she said in between laughs. While pointing at Harry. I looked at harry and nearly pooped myself laughing.

"Louis here flat ironed my hair while i was sleeping" Harry said amd went back to trying to kill Louis with a spoon. I turned to Liam who was sitting in a corner.

"Aren't you going to stop them" i asked.

"The-the sp-sp-spoon....Harry....EVIL" he practically screamed the last part. I nodded and went to break them up.

"Where's Niall?" i asked to no one in particular.

"Where is he always" Lisa answered. I instantly knew he was in the kitchen.

"Nialler, Zaynie Poo wants you" Louis called in the kitchen. Niall came in with a bag of crisps and a soda. He quickly droped the crisp and soda and stared at Lisa wide eyed.

"ICE CREEEEEEEAM" he yelled charging for Lisa. But she rolled out the way.

"No, Niall this is mine yours is in the fridge. You bought Chocolate ice cream remember" she screamed while running away from Niall. She ran upstairs and Niall followed while screaming "But i want your ice cream". I chuckled to myself and Liam came and sat next to me.

"We will never be normal" he sighed. I laughed.

"Normals boring, you should be happy that we are unique" i explained.

Niall came down the stairs but he looked upset. " I can't find Lisa and the ice cream" he sulked.

"Awww Niall you don't need her ice cream go eat yours" i encouraged him. I guess it worked because his face lightened up and he rushed to the kitchen. Harry then Came down the stairs with his curls back and his hair was dripping wet.

"Why is there a Lisa sitting under my covers with a tub of ice cream" he asked. I got up and walked upstairs to Lisa. God she is so beautiful, if only she knew how i felt. But I'm pretty sure all the boys feel the same way. You can tell by how they look at her.

I reached Harrys door and opened it. He was right she was under his covers.

"Lisa" i called.

"Go away Niall its my ice cream" she screamed out.

"Its Zayn" i informed her. Out popped her head and she handed me the ice cream.

"I'm full" she said and skipped down stairs. I followed after but was attacked at the bottom of the stairs by Niall.

I got up and brushed myself off. Everyone was in a circle on the floor.

"Truth or Dare?" Louis asked me and i shrugged and sat in the circle.


"Niall, truth or dare" Louis asked

"Dare" answered Niall.

"I dare you to.........feed your last peice of chicken to anyone of your choice" Louis said. To me the dare wasn't really that bad, but Niall looked horrified. None the less he got up and got his chicken. I can't believe he was actually tearing up. He walked over to Harry and right before he got over to him he stopped and looked back at Louis and whispered....

"You will pay"

He then turned back to Harry and Harry began to eat. After that was done Niall turned to me. Oh god.

"So Lisa, truth or dare" he asked.

"Truth?" I replied. He put his hand on his chin and looked like he was deep in thought. Then his attention snapped back to me.

"Who's your favorite boy? Only two or less" he said with an evil grin.

"Um...Louis an-" I was cut off by Louis screaming " Woo Hoo".

"As i was saying Louis and......Zayn" i completed my thought.

Harry stood up and looked truly hurt.

"I'm done playing" he said and walked to the couch. Liam and Niall agreed with him and followed him to the couch. I got up as well and followed them all into the Living room.

"Movie time?" Harry asked and everyone mumbled their yes'. Liam got up and grabbed Toy Story and put it in.

5 Guys 1 Girl (One Direction)*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now