Chapter 22-First day of work and I NEED TIME

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Finally the boys got the guest room fixed. They did it yesterday. They had some decorators put wallpaper up so you couldn't see the syrup stains, they changed the bed sheets, cleaned the floors.....well long story short, i have a new room. I actually slept in it last night. Sadly i couldn't enjoy it because i had to get up early.

I woke up and went straight downstairs for breakfast. I was the only one up because it was 5:30. I have a job to get to on this fine Monday.

I ate a bagel and went upstairs. I took a shower and got dressed. I was wearing a navy blue sweater with turquoise polka dots, tight white skinny jeans and black boots that stop right under my knee. I left my hair down and didn't bother with make up.

It is now 5:50 and i have a feeling i won't make it on time.

I ran out the door and ran as fast as i could down the street. Of course with my bad luck, i ran into somebody.

"Whoa-hey Lisa. I was going to call you today. What are you doing out so early?" Alex said.

"Can't talk now, Alex. I'm running late for my new job at a coffee shop. Call me later and ill explain everything" i said while getting up.

"Wait! How far is it" he asked.

"5 more blocks"

"No offense but you look terrible. Let me drive you the rest of the way and you can fix yourself up, sense its your first day" he offered.

"Thank you so much" i thanked him.

He drove a little slow so that i could fix myself. I had sweat all over my head, so my hair stuck to my forehead. He had a brush in his car from his sister. I put on my lip gloss, and we were there.

"Ok, lets do a check. Hair" i said.

"Check" he told me while looking at my hair.

"Lip gloss" i asked.

"You might need to fix it" he said and i knew i looked confused.

"Is it messed up?" i asked reaching for the lip gloss tube.

"No, but its about to be" he said and started leaning in. For some reason i didn't lean in.

His lips touched mine and our lips moved together for 4 seconds and then i pulled away.

"I have a crush on Zayn" i told him.

"Well, i still like you and when you get over your crush. Call me" he said and i nodded

"Good luck at your new job" he smiled.

"Thanks. Bye" i said and got out the car. I walked into the coffee shop and Manahil was cleaning a table.

"I'm sorry I'm late" i said as soon as she looked up.

"Its fine your only 10 minutes late. If my mother comes to check on us ill tell her you were here on time" she smiled.

"Its not fine. Its my first day and i was late" i pouted.

"Girl, i am late almost EVERY day. Its hard to get up early every morning. Especially the first day you have to do it. I understand" she laughed and i smiled.

"Well you can start by working at the cash register, while i finish cleaning the tables" she told me and i nodded.

"Good morning. What can i get you?" i said to the man that just walked in.

"Your number and a hot chocolate please" he winked.

"Okay, i can get the hot chocolate. But we seem to be out of my number" i smiled and his smile faded.

5 Guys 1 Girl (One Direction)*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now