Chapter 19- Arguments and emotions

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I couldn't think straight. All i could think about was his soft lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync with one anothers. I loved the feel of his lips on mine. He pushed me on the bed and we made out for a couple minutes.

Suddenly he pulled away. He had a worried look on his face.

I heard him mumble under his breath "I shouldn't have done this"

With that being said he walked out of his room. Leaving me confused.

I KNEW IT!!! How could i have been so stupid. I should have known that he was just playing with my emotions.

I stood in his room for about 10 minutes just thinking and staring off into space. When i heard a voice.

"Hey, we're about to make ice cream sundae's. If you want to join" Niall said about to walk back downstairs. I decided to follow.

When we got downstairs everyone was already there. Harry was on the couch, Louis was on the floor, Liam was in the kitchen, Niall was picking a movie and........Zayn was in the recliner.

"Look who decided to join us" Louis yelled.

"I thought we were doing ice cream sundae's" i said a little confused.

"Liam's about to run to the store and get the stuff" Harry answered. I nodded and walked to the couch. I sat down with my feet and body on the couch while i leaned my back on Harry. He didn't seem to mind.

"What movie?" i asked.

"The sound of music" Niall said and i let out a sqeal. I absolutely LOVE this movie.

Before we pushed play Liam walked into the room from the kitchen "I'm off to the store now. What type of ice cream do you all want?"

"Cookies and Cream"

"Mint chocolate chip"




"Oh and don't forget Vanilla"

"Ok i got it. See you guys in a bit" Liam said and left out the door.

Niall pushed play on the movie.


20 minutes later and we were at my favorite part. I got up and started singing along.

"WHEN THE DOG BITES. WHEN THE BEE STINGS. WHEN I'M FEELING BAAAAD. I simply remember my favorite things and then i dont feel sooooo baaaaaad"

I sat back down and finished watching the movie. I felt everyones eyes on me.

When i turned around all the boys were staring at me......even Liam who I'm guessing came back while i was "performing".

"You know, the movie isn't on my face, right?" i asked a little annoyed. I hate it when people watch me.

"You-you-Sing?" Liam asked.

"Well not really unless you count singing in the shower" i laughed and they all kept staring at me with their mouths wide.

"You were.....AMAZAYN" Louis yelled at me.

"Um, thanks?" i said.

"Well, um lets get to the sundae's shall we" Liam cut into the awkward silence. Zayn was the first one up and in the kitchen. I decided i would ignore him. I shall not give him the satisfaction of making me feel like crap.

"Okay" Niall said and stormed to the kitchen. "Did you get the sprinkles, fudge, caramel, nuts, candy, etc" Harry asked Liam and he nodded.


5 Guys 1 Girl (One Direction)*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now