Chapter 16-Hangovers and a secret call

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I started dragging Niall, after i couldn't wake him up. I went back to the table we agreed to meet at.

I saw Liam was sitting down with a passed out Zayn.

"Liam are you sober?" i asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Some guys that looked a little like us gave me Zayn and sent me here" he told me.

"Oh yeah. Those are my friends. They were helping me find the boys. Oh and where did you guys go. As soon as we entered you guys left me" i yelled.

"Well Zayn and Niall went to the bar. They don't usually get this drunk unless they have a drinking contest which rarely ever happens. I was following Harry and Louis because Harry always drinks the most and Louis is stupid drunk. But somewhere throughout the club i lost them. I've been looking for the boys for forever" Liam told me.

Just then the guys came back with a sober Louis and a tipsy Harry.

"Lets go" i yelled over the music.

"Ill call you later" i told the group of boys who helped us.


We left the club and somehow we got all the boys in the car.

We pulled in the drive way of the house. I helped Harry walk while Liam carried Zayn and Louis carried Niall.

I opened the door and walked Harry upstairs. I nearly broke my neck twice thanks to him.

"Hehe. Hey! Hey! Look at me!" Harry demanded. He was tipsy so i tried to ignore him. He kept on calling my name though. Ill be glad when i get to his room.

We were just outside his door. I busted into it and nearly broke down the door because i lost my balance when Harry decided to put all his weight on me. Stupid curly.

I dropped him on his bed before i dropped to the floor. I was so wiped out. I was prepared to sleep on the floor, until Liam walked in.

"Oh god. Are you okay?" he asked me pulling me off the ground.

"Too. Tired. To. Move" i said between breaths.

"Ok. Ill carry you" Liam said and lifted me bridal style. I passed out in his arms and that's all i remember before darkness over took me.


I woke up with a small headache. I'm glad i didn't drink as much as Niall or Zayn now. I sat up and looked around.

I remember everything about last night. I know what your thinking and i wasn't really that drunk. I only had two beers.

I acted that way so i could wrap my arm around Lisa. Now that her and Niall are dating I'm going to try my best to be happy for her. Its just so hard to push feelings away that you've had for a while now. Ill get over it.

I'm a really good actor. I pretended to sleep while i watched Liam carry her out of there.

Anyway i got out of bed and had a shower. I threw on some sweatpants and socks and walked downstairs. I don't need a shirt this is my house.

When i got to the kitchen everyone but Niall and Zayn were at the table.

Lisa was finishing her cereal, with a fork might i add. Liam has this phobia of spoons and they aren't allowed in the house. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO EAT SOUP WITH A FORK!?! Its very hard by the way.

Louis was eating carrot cakes which are some pancakes Liam makes with little carrot pieces in them. He had so much syrup on them you could no longer see the pancakes.

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