Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Sorry it's taking so long to update. I didn't know how to make everything tie together, but I think that I have an idea now. Hopefully that means that I will have more chapters coming out soon. We'll have to see...

Anyways, thanks for reading and staying with me during this book! 

Here's Chapter Seventeen



Slowly, I made my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. There was the sound of laughter coming from the living room, just beyond my destination. I shuffled towards the fridge and grabbed the orange juice, and then went to the cabniet for a cup, bowl, and the box of Cheerios. I hated milk with my cereal and just poured the Cheerios into the bowl, then filled the glass with OJ. Gently, I pushed my breakfast across the island and made my way around to the stools on the other side.

"Oi, Princess!"

I spun to see Slate and Cyan standing in the doorframe. They grinned then sat down on either side of me, eyeing my food.

"Why don't you have any milk in your cereal?" Slate asked as he watched me scoop several pieces into my mouth.

"I don't like it. It makes it too soggy."

Cyan snorted and then grabbed my glass of OJ and chugged it down. I gaped at him, then started slapping at his arm. He laughed and tried to block my hands, but I was too fast. The sound of something pouring distracted me and I turned to see Slate adding milk to my bowl, then start eating my Cheerios.


Footsteps pounded down the hall and into the kitchen. Declan froze and stared as he saw me slapping Cyan and snarling at Slate. Then he moved Cyan out of his seat, grabbed my hands and pulled me into his arms. I struggled against him, but he had me pinned.

"Okay, what seems to be the problem?"

"They ate my breakfast!" I smirked evilly at the two boys, then turned in Declan's embrace and pouted. "I'm really, really hungry and now I have nothing to eat."

Declan growled at them and they huffed before making me a new breakfast that consisted of eggs and bacon. I smiled and let myself relax in my beloved's embrace. He sat on one of the stools and pulled me onto his lap, stroking his hand up and down my back. Cyan put the plate down before me and then he and Slate both bowed sarcastically.

"Thank you."

"Of course, Princess. We live to serve you."

I laughed and then dug in. It's been too long cooped up in that room and I forgot how much I missed the antics of these guys. 

"Oh, Declan," I said once I finished eating. "My wolf is anxious to get out, can I go for a run?"

"Not without someone accompanying you. And everyone is busy training at the moment, we're making sure that we will be able to stand for ourselves if and when your ex-mate's pack attacks."

"I can take care of myself. I don't need a guard, but I do need to let her out."

"No, Legna."

I frowned and wrenched myself out of his arms, cleaning up the dishes and piling them in the dishwasher. He sighed and tried to pull me back into him, but I walked away, heading back for that dreaded room. His footsteps disappeared down the hallway in the other direction and I took that as my cue to run.

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