were not like we used to(part 9)

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"My lord, I'm going out" Sebastian would say, is kinda in a hurry. "And where would that be..my love?" Ciel would ask. Sebastian would smirk at him and say in his in ciel's tiny ear "out". Ciel would blush a little and roll his eyes. "Whatever just hurry," ciel said while walking off.
~spiders home~
Sebastian didn't know how to go in his house, so he didn't put much thought into it and knocked on the door. No one answered. Sebastian knocked a little bit louder. Then there were footsteps coming to the door. Claude answered the door "yes who is-" Claude didn't finish his sentence when he saw the one and only, Sebastian.
Sebastian looked at him with no shock but Claude was full of shock, but that shock washed like a wave." what are you doing here Sebastian?" Claude said with a straight face." well hello to you too" growled Sebastian. Claude just looked at him and sighed. " are we just going to stand there? are are you going to do your job and let me in?" Sebastian said while glaring at the man he once loved. Claude rolled his eyes and let the raven in." Claude, who is here?" A girl's voice yelled. Sebastian was shocked...but that would explain why Claude is not even at least nice to him. A pretty girl with brown hair walked to Claude."o-oh hi there" Kate said blushing a little.Sebastian looked at her, and saw the blackness in her heart." well hello there" he would smirk at her. she looked at his beautiful red eyes." so, um not much people come to see Claude you know" she would say getting to somewhere. Sebastian smiled and said"I'm not here to talk" the glare at her." you shouldn't give me that face young man" she would raise her voice, not knowing that he is a demon just like Claude.Sebastian wanted to rip off the smart mouth girl's face off, but he knew that Claude wants a soul, so Sebastian stayed where he was. Claude seance the killing in Sebastian." ugh...Sebastian came here to tell me something, let's go somewhere else Sebastian"Claude said grabbing his arm.Kate was about to stop them until she just sighed and walked off. Claude took Sebastian to a small room and pushed him to the wall, hurting him a little. "Really!What are you doing here?!" I thought you said if I showed my face, ill be killed!" Claude yelled at his face. Sebastian looked at him, his hair perfectly falling down, then he smiled." I said when you showed your face, I showed my face."  he said. Claude got mad and pushed Sebastian more into the wall. " shut up!"SHUT UP!" he would growl at him. Sebastian looked at his eyes and knew he was not joking around." Did you already replace me?..." Sebastian asked while a tear was falling down his cheek. Claude looked at him and was about to say something, but Sebastian beat him to it." I'm useless to you?! Do you even care about me?!" Sebastian yelled while dropping to the floor, crying. "Yes, yes, and No..." Sebastian looked up at him. "W-what?" Sebastian asked, confused and scared. "Yes, I've replace you, Yes you ARE useless to me, and no...i don't care for you." Claude glared at Sebastian. Sebastian's eyes were wide, with shock and pain. He got up and slowly walked himself out of the room, looking like he just saw everyone he loves betray him. Kate was waiting at the door. She looked up at Sebastian and smirked." I wouldn't show your face here again if I were you." She slowly said, without any fear. Sebastian turned and looked at her once more " I think I've seen you from somewhere.....like at a park or something.." Sebastian said while taking a while to look at her. "How could you-" she was interrupted by her thoughts of a man killing her parents. She looked at him, meeting his gaze. " I'll be off then," Sebastian said still thinking of what Claude said.
Really important
Okay, guys, I went through my story and added words and fixed mistakes, so I upgraded the story, you could re-read it if you like

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