Connecting with roc

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Chapter 6

(Saturday 17th September 2016)


ghost of Zonnique: I want to talk to my daughter but I am afraid I'll freak her out. she does not need someone in her life like this. I won't stick around to see what gabby does to my child. I have to connect with roc. I walk in the room where he is. he has seen me before hopefully he'll see me again.  Look at him, he doesn't know his girlfriend. who she really is. I call his name. and he turns but ignores me.

Roc royal: I thought I just herd Zonnique. I can never get the fact through my head that she is dead. no matter who I date I will always love Zonnique. back at the hospital I saw her. I know I'm not crazy or maybe I am. Out of the blue I smell Zonnique's favorite perfume, it was cinnamon and candy canes, her favorite. Double r I hear a name come from the corner. I can't take this, Zonnique speak to me!

Ghost of Zonnique: Yes I finally got through to him. he stills remember my sent. I remember back at the hospital he was messed up but he changed! A good change. roc please listen I don't know if you want to hear this but, Gabriella is not who you think she is. she doesn't treat our child right. that's right our child she is still part of me! Hopefully you here me. goodbye roc.

Roc royal: I really herd every word. It's so strange! but, is she right. could Gabriella be a fake?

Hey everyone I'm gingerbreadbabydoll7. A newbie to wattpad but this is my first co-writing story. I really hope you like it. and check out my own story called Auslly: Mental love. Thank you so much Sarah_ OMG!

She's Dead! (A Zonnique Horror Story)(ON HOLD!)Where stories live. Discover now