Friday 13th 2013!!!

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Chapter 1

Zonnique’s POV

Ok...yall already know that I’m dead...So before we continue after math of my death...We gon start from the beginning, lets saaaay, me and Roc’s 4th anniversary date............

(Thursday 12th September 2013)


(New York City)

(The Johnson household)

Bahja: So Zonnique..You ready for your 4th anniversary date with Roc?

Zonnique: Yup!..I’m just so excited!!!

Bahja: I know, we can all see it

*The door bell rings*

Breaunna: Hey, that must be him now!

Zonnique: Ok, ima be going now, see yall!

Bahja, Breaunna, Sandra and Laetitia: See ya

Sandra: *African accent/dialect* You 2 be safe ok!

Zonnique: Yep, we will, l love yall

Bahja, Breaunna, Sandra and Laetitia: We love you too

*Zonnique smiles at them and she jogs down the stairs to the door and opens it*

Zonnique: Heeey Roc               

*She hugs him and gives him a peck on the lips*

Roc: Heeey Zonnique, you look so beautiful

Zonnique: Thanks                                

Zonnique’s outfit: (in the comments below)

Roc: Your  welcome babe, so you ready to go?

Zonnique: Yep, just let me talk my mum just quick!

Roc: Kk, take your time

Zonnique: Thanks Roc                                       

*She kisses his check and goes to the kitchen where her mum is washing the dishes*

Zonnique: Hey, maman, Roc estlà pour me chercher, alors nous allons sur notre datemaintenant. IN ENGLISH:Hey, mom, Roc's here to pick me up, so we're going on our date now

Anna: Ok, Zonnique .. Les gars, vousavezautorisé fun .. Maisrappelez-vous .. Je veux que tusois en sécurité à la fois .. et assurez-vous les gars deux ne disparaissent pas, ok .. Surtout vous Zonnique, ok .. Je ne sais pas veulent tout “mauvais” arrive à vous, d'accord!. IN ENGLISH:Ok, Zonnique..You guys have fun ok..But remember..I want you both to be safe..And make sure you guys two don't disappear, ok..Especially you Zonnique, ok..I don't want anything "bad" to happen to you, alright!

Zonnique: Ne vousinquiétez pas maman, vous pouvez comptersur nous .. Nous allons tous les deux nous assuronsque nous sommes en sécurité, nous faisonstoujours.IN ENGLISH: Don't worry mum, you can count on us..We'll both make sure we're safe, we always do

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