Chapter 1

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"TRÉ GET UP! IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL AND YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY" Tré's mum shouted him to up "I'm up" Tré mumbled. He slowly rolled out of his bed and fell onto the floor which created a loud bang. He grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt and put them on along with a white tie. He trailed over to his mirror with his black eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow. He stared at himself dully. First day of high school. Great. Well it can't be that bad can it? Just focus in class and be yourself. I mean you weren't popular at your last school but the teachers said it would be different. They said that I'm a loveable character and I'll be one of the popular kids. I hope so. Tré thought to himself. He applied his makeup and packed everything away in his bag and picked it up. He ran downstairs and into the kitchen. He sat on the table and ate his breakfast that was waiting for him. "Heya sport" Tré's dad said. Tré just grunted back at him. Before he knew it it was time to leave for school. He kissed his parents goodbye and walked out the house. His house wasn't that far away. It's only about 15 minutes away. He put his headphones in and walked to school. He arrived onto school premises and already he was getting weird looks. He didn't really know why. He walked over to reception. "Hi how may I help you?" The receptionist asked. "I'm wondering where I go because this is my first day" Tré replied. "Alright. Let me get your name" "Frank Wright" "You are in Room 3. With Miss. Grey" "Okay thank you" Tré said and walked out. He wondered around trying to find the room. The bell rang and Tré is the only one left outside. He started panicking not knowing what to do when a teacher walks up to him. "Hey you alright? You're looking lost" "Yeah I am. Could you show me where Room 3 is please?" "Oh you must be one of the new kids. I'm Mr. Williams I'm your head of year. What's your name?" Mr. Williams said as he walked. "My name's Frank Wright but call me Tré please" Tré said, trailing behind sir. They arrived at the room and Mr. Williams gestured for him to go in. Tré walked inside the classroom. As soon as he sat down a paper ball came flying from across the classroom and straight into his face. Oh great it's Rhys from primary. I hate him I hope he doesn't bully me like he did at the last school. He's sitting with one of the new lads. He looks kinda like one of those punk jocks. Me and him would get along. Actually no. We wouldn't. I'd have no chance if he's hanging around with Rhys. Tré pondered to himself. A kid walked over to him. He seemed small-ish, jet black hair with green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. He's wearing the same outfit as Tré but a red tie. "Hey I can't believe I'm coming over to apologise for my mate. But yeah sorry. We're not speaking again you look like a faggot" The lad said, picked up the paper ball and walked back over to his mates. Tré just sat there. Staring at the floor. Not doing anything. Nothing at all. Everyone walked passed him apart from the lad who barged into him which caused Tré to fall off his seat. Tré shook his head, escaping from his thoughts. He picked up his bag and walked out the classroom. "WHATS THE MATTER FAGGOT" The lad shouted at him. "I have a name" Tré mumbled. "What was that faggot?" The lad said, smashing Tré into the lockers. Tré whimpered as his head smacked the locker. "I- I uh s-said I- uh have a n-name" Tré stuttered out. "Well I have one too. It's Billie. Billie Joe Armstrong. You fucking gay ass twat" billie whispered into Tré's ear whilst pinning his wrists against the lockers. Tré kept whimpering which made Billie smirk. "Your name. Now" Billie demanded. "Tré" Tré whispered. "What was that faggot?" "I'm Tré". They both stared at each other. Billie kneed Tré in his stomach and walked off to his lesson. Tré fell down onto his knees then to his side. Tears rolled down his cheek. One after the other. 10 minutes went past and Tré finally pulled himself together and slowly walked to his lesson. His lesson was maths and guess where the only empty seat was. Yeah thats right. In front of Billie. Oh god please no. No no no no. Please no. I'll end up having panic attacks in lessons. Then I'll be even more of a freak. God please help me. I don't want to be sat in front of him. Oh god please why. Why me? He just stood in the doorway and stared at the seat. "C'mon honey come sit in front of me" Billie said laughing. Tré dragged his feet across the floor and sat in the seat. They were learning about Pythagoras but Tré couldn't concentrate on his work. He turned round to look at Billie who was laughing and joking with his mates. "Do you mind?" Tré snapped. Billie didn't turn his head but simply stared at Tré with his sparkling green eyes. "Why what did I do?" Billie asked innocently. "You keep flicking my ear" "Oh honey I don't flick ears I flick girls clits" Billie said then winked. Tré blushed a little and packed up his books. He waited patiently for the bell to go and as soon as it did he practically ran out the door. It was break time and Tré wondered around aimlessly until he spotted someone he might recognise. The figure quickly ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. "Hey Holly" Tré said dully. "Heya Tré"

Time skip because I want to and I can't be bothered.

"How was school honey?" Tré's mum asked. "It was alright. I think I'm just going to go bed. By the way you get home well late" Tré replied and ran up to his room. He slowly drifted away to sleep.

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now