Chapter 13

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Its been a week since the fight and both of them are torn apart. They couldn't look at each other during music. Alot of times Billie had to walk out to keep himself from falling apart in front of everyone. Billie walked into school today he didn't really want to drive in his condition. He saw Mike and ran over to him. "Hey Mikey" "Hey Billie. Go on. Go speak to him. I can see through both of you like open books. You didn't mean to hit him but Tré is just listening to everyone around him telling him not to trust you" "Okay. I'll try". He slowly walked over to Tré, his heart pounding out his chest. "Tré can I speak to you?" "Fuck off Billie" "its urgent" "I swear to god Billie I'll punch you in a minute" "Alright. Just come mine after school then". Billie walked off to his first class.

Time skip to after school

Billie rushed about trying to get everything perfect just incase Tré does come round. It was now 8:57 and the door opened. Tré looked around, there was no sign of Billie but there was a path of candles so he followed it. It led him to a table. It had a book on. He opened it and it had pictures in. Them kissing, Tré taking pictures with Billie whilst he was passed out on the floor, when Tré was passed out on the floor, Tré in dresses, Billie asleep in the car due to an argument. So many memories flooded through Tré. He went to the last page and there was some writing scattered around the page; I love you Tré, I miss you Tré, its shit in England without you, I just got a tattoo that says Tré bear to remind me of you. Tré started to cry. There was another writing saying go out to the back garden. He did as the book told him too and he went out. Billie was standing there in a suit with flowers. There was fairy lights hung up everywhere, candles, love hearts and lets not forget the amount of glitter. "Tré bear" "Billie". Billie walked up to Tré and gave him the flowers. "BeeJ wanted to say sorry. And he didn't mean to hit you" "Billie knock it off you're not two" "I was trying to lighten the mood" "Yeah well its not working". Billie frowned. "But I accept your apology" Tré said hugging Billie. Billie hugged back and he didn't want to let go. "I love you Tré did you know that?" "Yeah I did and I love you too BeeJ". "Wanna go to a restaurant?" "No ho get changed into normal clothes and we'll hang out here" "What you don't wanna do fancy?" "No BeeJ. I do not wanna do fancy I just want romantic, but you being yourself" "Alright be back in a minute". Billie ran into the living room and got changed. "IS THIS ALRIGHT?" "YEAH BEEJ ITS FINE NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE". Billie ran out and jumped onto Tré. "Oh who could that be?" "Your baby boy" "Oh yeah of course. Its BeeJ" "The one and only". Tré fell onto the floor causing Billie to fall on top of him. They both laughed. "Tré don't do that again" "Why?" "Because it scared the living shit outta me" "Aww BeeJ you poor thing. I have no sympathy" "Shut up". Billie smiled and kissed Tré. "Wanna order pizza?" "Tré thats unhealthy! Yeah lets do". Tré rang up the pizza place. Billie leaned down and sucked at Tré's neck. "Billie not out here. And the Pizza will be here soon" "Why don't we go inside then?" Billie asked and winked. He stood up and held out his hand for Tré. Tré rolled his eyes, grabbed Billie's hand and stood up. They ran into the front room. Billie pushed Tré into the couch and climbed on top of him. "Woah what happened? I'm usually top" "Yeah well I'm top tonight". Billie quickly pulled off his shirt and unbuckled his belt. "Billie the pizza boy will be here soon" "But Tré I don't careeee. Pleaseeeee" "After the pizza" "Fineee". Billie just gently sucked on Tré's neck for a while. There was a loud knock in the door. They both jumped up. Tré ran to the door and opened it. Billie trailed behind him and stood next to him. "Umm here's your pizza.." The pizza boy awkwardly said holding it out. He was staring at Billie noticing how he had no shirt on and the fact his belt buckle was undone. "I know I'm pretty but could ya quit ya staring?" "Uh sorry sir" "Please my name's Billie Joe" "Alright. Bye". The boy drove off and Tré closed the door. "Did you not think to get your shirt back on and do your belt back up?" "Nah" "Wow BeeJ". They both sat down on the couch and ate the pizza. Tré didn't each much, he didn't feel like it. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" "You've barely ate" "I'm fine Billie" "Okay. You can talk to me anytime. I don't care if I'm asleep or if I'm having my own problems you can talk" "Thanks Bill Bill". Billie smiled and cuddled Tré. Billie tried pulling off Tré's shirt but Tré stopped him. "What's wrong babe?". Tré went pale. "Tré? Are you okay?". Tré cried out sobs. Billie pulled him into a hug, tracing patterns on his back. "I don't want you to see" Tré whispered. "See what?" Billie whispered back. "The scars. How broken I am. The endless pit of depression" Tré croaked out. "Its okay to not be okay babe. As long as you talk to someone about it". Tré cried into Billie's shoulder. Billie pulled away lightly grabbing the end of Tré's sleeves. He looked up at Tré for approval and Tré nodded. Billie slowly pulled up his sleeves revealing old scars that he knew about and new scars. There was fresh ones. Like as if he done them today. "Tré... why?" Billie whispered. Tré didn't say anything, his eyes all glassy and filling up with tears. He avoided eye contact with Billie. "Has someone hurt you?". Again no response. "Please Tré. Talk to me". It took a while for Tré to open up but he finally did. "I'm being bullied at school. My parents hate me, they know I'm gay. I just want to kill myself Billie Joe" "No babe don't think like that. Who's bullying you?" "Don't worry about it" "Tré I'm trying to help you" "Then stop trying. I can get through this alone". They both laid there until they both fell asleep.

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now