Chapter 9

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Tré woke up but he wasn't where he thought he was. "Tré come on its your first day at college you need to get dressed" Tré's dad said and walked out. "What the fuck?" Tré whispered to himself. He got up, done the same routine as he done on his first day. But today is his first day. He trudged downstairs with his nerdy backpack. "Hey honey" Tré's mum shouted from the front room. College. That was the one word that kept ringing in his head. "Oh shit" Tré semi-shouted. "What's wrong?" Tré's mum asked, walking out of the front room. Tré ran over to her and hugged her as tightly as he could. "Come on you'll be late for college" "Alright. Seeya later mum" Tré quietly said and walked out the house. He slowly walked into college. He saw Mike and ran over to him. "Tré you alright?" "No not really" "What's up?" "Well. I had a dream last night. It felt so real y'know. Thing is it was. It was from when me and Billie first met until y'know. Me and him had sex for the first time. I miss him Mike. I can't deal with it" Tré said, crying half way through. Mike didn't say anything. He embraces Tré into a hug. "I miss him too. But look at it this way. He's only in England we could always fly over there one day" "M'yeah I guess so". They were in science and this man walked in. He was a member of staff but you wouldn't have guessed it. "Sorry Miss to interrupt but I need to borrow Frank for a minute". Tré picked up his stuff and walked over to the man. "Go on after you". Tré sheepishly walked out. They walked across the hallway to the office that belonged to the man. Both of them sat down, Tré's anxiety starting up a little. "My name's Declan. I'm here for you, anything you need I'm your man. I also need to talk to you. I spoke to your previous school and they said you have a few problems. One of them is depression because of this boy. Billie. Would you like to explain so I can get a better view of things so I can help you". Tré tensed up at the word depression. "Uh well. My name is Frank but I like to be called Tré. Umm well Billie and I started at the same school together. He bullied me at first but it was in music we started talking. We both were in the practice room. I was on the drums he was playing guitar. He broke down crying. And yeah. Later that day I was at my house once again on my drums and he knocked for me. We went for a drive and we hung out at this camp site. Drunk a few beers small talked. All of a sudden he kissed me. I moved closer to him. That was the moment we fell in love. I stayed over his that night watching movies and shit. But it all quickly went wrong. The next day me and him had an argument. He was going out with Adrianne at the time. But he had a party that night got pissed and broke up with Adrianne because he wanted to be with me. Me and him flirted for the night and like a load of kissing. We went to sleep but I woke up in the middle of the night and went to have a fag. Billie nearly had a heart attack because I weren't in bed he came outside had a fag with me. We were talking about me not being a virgin and how he was. Weird I know. But we bought weed. And smoked it in school got caught by our Geography teacher and we got excluded. My mum went mental. I wasn't allowed to see him or in the same classes no texting or calling him either y'know. I cried for hours when my mum said that. But he phoned me anyway. I went downstairs to have my tea and got another lecture from my dad. It was during the night I jumped out the window and Billie caught me. We were driving. I fell asleep so he decided to go to his dad's grave. It was real sad. He was torn. But we went McDonald's to keep him happy y'know. He wouldn't eat his food. He ran out to the car and I followed him. Well lets just say shenanigans happened. I stayed over his but I think he had a dream y'know because he woke up early in the morning all sweaty. He got a shower and got back into bed but I was asleep and hogging the bed along with the duvet. He said no cuddles, hugs, kisses and no sex for me so y'know gave him some room and the duvet. My mum found out I stayed over so she kicked me out. I moved in with Billie because it turned out he got kicked out by his mum too so he bough a house. It was good for a couple of months but it went downhill we didn't talk and if we did we were arguing. He decided to move back into his mum's house and I did the same. We decided to just have nothing to do with each other which hurt but after a couple of years he moved to England with his family. My life felt empty and lonely. I felt like I was useless. To be honest I still do. I miss him. Alot. It breaks me when I think of him" Tré choked out, tears streamed down his face. Declan didn't say anything but gave him a box of tissues. Tré ran out and back into science to sit with Mike. "You okay Tré?" "No. I just had to tell that man everything about me and Billie. The last school told him about my depression and anxiety" "Oh right. Want to go for a fag. College is over for today" "Yeah sure". They both walked home together smoking a fag. "Hey Tré I'll seeya later this is where I live now" "Oh only round the corner from me" "Yeah so any time you need some space from the mad house pop over" "Will do". Tré walked round the corner to see a car park outside his house with a boy leant against it, smoking a fag. Tré ignored it and opened his front door. He turned around to see who it was and he dropped his bag. "No way. What the fuck no. Its a dream. Its a dream. Its a dream" Tré said, trying to hold back his tears but failed. The boy ran over and hugged him tightly. "Heya Tré" "BEEJ". Tré cried into Billie's shoulder and refused to let go of him. Tré's mum walked outside and did not look happy. "Why is Billie here I told you a couple of years ago that you will have nothing to do with him and that still stands" "If you don't mind but I've changed now. I don't do drugs anymore and I didn't mean to get your son into trouble" "Alright" and with that said she went back inside. "Let's go mine. We need to talk"

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now