Chapter 2

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Tré woke up to the annoying sound of his old fashioned alarm clock. He opened his heavy eye lids. He sighed then bashed his alarm clock. He done the same routine as yesterday but different clothes today. The black skinny jeans stayed the same but today he wore the classic white shirt with a black tie. He picked up his bag and sleepily walked down the stairs. He walked to the kitchen as usual to get his breakfast. Tré hissed as he sat down on the chair due to the bruising on his stomach from yesterday. "Honey, are you okay?" His mum asked. "Yeah I'm fine" Tré mumbled. He stood up from the table and left the house. He took a slow deep breath and then started walking. The whole way in silence. Staring at his feet. Sounds of cars passing by him. People staring at him like he's a weirdo. This all just piled up the things that he hates in his life. He was slowly giving up. But for some reason when he thinks of his new predator, Billie, a little grin tugs on the edge of his lips. He stopped just before he entered school. He took another deep breath, bracing himself for whats to come during the school day. He walked on school grounds, still staring at the floor. Everyone threw stuff at him and shouted harsh words to him "FAGGOT" "GAY BOY" "WHORE". All these words kept replaying in his mind. He walked into tutor. All he could hear was silence. He was lost in his thoughts and he couldn't get out. He didn't even realise that he was still stood in the doorway with Billie pushing him about. He hit his head and finally he snapped out of his thoughts. "ANSWER ME BITCH" "Uh I- I what?" Tré stuttered. Tré stared at Billie. "I said you better watch out faggot" "Well uh. So? Why should I listen to a dickhead like you?" Tré said smirking. Honestly just one look at Billie and Tré was falling in love. But he hate to admit it. He still hates Billie with all his guts so it's alright. Billie just stared into Tré's lifeless shiny blue eyes with shock. After a few moments Billie suddenly flipped and dragged Tré to the same lockers as yesterday. He was red with anger. He gave Tré 3 quick jabs in the face and kneed him several times. Tré was whimpering in pain but at the same time he loved it. Billie grinned then walked off leaving Tré a bloody mess. Tré broke down crying. No one seemed to notice him. He got up and stumbled to the bathroom. He cleaned himself up. He didn't really want to go to first period so he bunked off in the toilets. He stared at himself in the mirror. What am I doing with my life? I fucking have green hair acting like i'm the next big thing. I hate my life. I hate myself. I'm fucking developing feelings for my fucking bully for fuck sake. Tré thought to himself as he sobbed. He walked out with his mascara running down his face. It was time for his second lesson, which was music. Lucky for him he sits far away from Billie so he doesn't have to worry as much. He walked in and Billie grinned at him. Tré got butterflies and sped to his seat. Billie looked at him confused. Tré tried to ignore him and listen to the teacher. "Would anyone like to come and play the drums for the class" the teacher asked. Tré shyly put his hand up and walked up to the front. "Bet he's going to be shit" Billie whispered to Mike. Tré started playing. It wasn't great at first because he was getting into the rhythm of things. But after a minute he was like a drum god. You could see all the effort in his face. You could see that drumming was his life. Billie stared and at that moment he realised he had the slightest bit of respect for him. I mean like Billie hated Tré he didn't know why but he just did. "Woah. He's amazing" Billie said loudly. He didn't mean to. He couldn't resist but go up there and watch him play. Tré blushed but stopped playing. He backed up against the wall scared of what Billie is going to do to him. "It's alright. I'm letting you off this time" Billie whispered then winked. Tré gulped then nodded. "Hey miss can me and Tré go in the practice room with the set of drums and guitars?" Billie asked. "Yeah go ahead" He replied. Billie gestured Tré to follow him. And that's exactly what Tré did. Followed him like a sheep. Tré's anxiety started kicking in. He sat down on the stool for the drums and started shaking uncontrollably. "Hey hey you alright?" Billie asked, kneeling down beside Tré. "WHY DO YOU CARE!? ALL YOU DO IS BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME" Tré sobbed. Billie teared up and stared up at Tré. "WHAT SO YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SAY JACK SHIT!?" Tré exclaimed. Billie didn't say anything. Nothing at all. He just got up and hugged Tré. Tré was startled by this and shook even more. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" Billie whispered into Tré's ear. Billie tried so hard to hold back his tears but they just came rolling down his cheeks. Billie let go of Tré and stared at the ground. Tré calmed down due to the hug. "Hey Billie?" "Yeah?" Billie replied sniffling. "It's alright. I just want to know why you did it". Billie shrugged his shoulders. They both sat there in silence. But thinking the same thing...

I think I've fallen for you. If I have I must've fallen hard.

Time skip to when Tré is at home.

Tré walked through the door with a bright smile on his face. "Who's made you smile then?" His father asked. "Uh no one I guess" Tré mumbled. His father just rolled his eyes. Tré ran upstairs and hopped on to his stool. He rocked out a few tunes from his head onto his drums. "TRÉ THERES SOME DORK AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" Tré's sister shouted at him. Who could that be? Tré ran downstairs to the front door. "Uh. I. Wh-what are yo-you doing he-here?" Tré stuttered with fear in his eyes. "Hey it's alright I won't hurt you. I just came to see if you y'know wanna hang out with me tonight. We could go for a ride y'know. Just get to know each other y'know I guess" Billie said putting his hand on the back of his head. "Uh yeah sure I guess that's not a problem" Tré said stepping out and closing the door. Tré's heart started beating faster and faster every step he took towards the car. Billie went to the driver's side and opened the door. "Go on get in then" Billie chuckled. Tré slowly opened the passengers side door and sat in the car. Billie did the same thing and started up the car. "You can chill out y'know" Billie said. "I-I'm fine. I am chill" Tré mumbled, putting his seatbelt on. "Alright then". Billie drove off and onto the main roads. "Uhm Billie. Where exactly are we going?" Tré asked quietly. "Wait and see..."

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now