Chapter 8

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Tré walked inside and slammed the door behind him. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! WHAT WAS YOU THINKING!? SMOKING WEED!?" Tré's mum shouted. "Chillllllll. It hasn't killed anyone. Me and Billie-" "OH THIS WAS BILLIE!? OH RIGHT FINE! YOU'RE BANNED FROM HANGING OUT WITH HIM GOING NEAR HIM IN THE SAME CLASSES. NO TEXTING NO CALLING EITHER" "WHAT!? YOU CAN'T BAN ME FROM ALL THAT! YOU CAN'T BAN ME FROM SEEING BILLIE!" "OH YES I CAN! I AM YOUR MOTHER. BILLIE HAS NON STOP GETTING YOU INTO TROUBLE AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET THAT CARRY ON ANYMORE NOW UP TO YOUR ROOM!" "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Tré shouted as loud as he can and stormed up to his room. He threw himself onto his bed and cried for hours. A few hours passed and his phone started ringing. "Hey" Hey Tré how did your parents react? "Not good. I'm not allowed to be near you not allowed in the same classes not allowed to text or ring you but y'know" Awww babe. Well if ya want I'll come pick you up tonight. You can jump from your window and I can catch you and we could go somewhere or some shit "Yeah I guess that could work. I've got to go food is calling me" Alright. babe bye. Tré hung up. He ran downstairs and into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and waited for his tea to be served. "What we having then?" "Pizza" "Oooo yummy" "Listen young man. You're not to do weed ever again. I don't care if you're dying and you need it you will not do weed. Its not cool" "Shut up dad" "Go up to your room. Now. You can spend the night without any food" "THATS CHILD ABUSE" Tré shouted as his stormed his way up to his room. He waited on his bed going through pictures on his phone of him and Billie. It became late at night and there was stuff being thrown at Tré's window. He went over and opened it. "Ya could've just texted me" "Yeah I know just wanted to piss ya off babe" "whatever". Tré climbed onto the window ledge. "Billie you ready?" "Yeah". Tré jumped and Billie just about caught him. "Jesus Billie my head was so close to the ground mate fucking hell" "Sorry baby" "Yeah whatever lets get in the car" "Yeah okay". They both got in the car. "Tré are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine why?" "You're acting different. Like you're worries about something" "Billie I'm fine" "Alright. But you would tell me if something was up, right?" "Yeah yeah. I would just drive I wanna sleep" "Alright bossy" Billie chuckled. He started driving and Tré fell asleep. Billie drove to a very special place while Tré was asleep. He got out the car and walked up to a grave. Tré woke up and watched him. Billie sat on the ground starting at the piece of stone. "Hey dad. Uh well thought I'd come visit you. Its kinda hard for me even when I'm 19 I still can't get to grips. But I found someone. Someone who loves me. He's great y'know. Yeah a he. I love him. He's amazing. Y'know he's not allowed to see me. We both got high today in school. I know I've turnt into a right mess since your death but I promise I will make it up to you. Enough said. Let's tell you more about my boyfriend. His name's Tré. He's super cute y'know. I met him at school, it was the first day. I used to bully him. I hate myself for that. Sometimes I just sit in the corner of my room and think about it. I'd just break down. I can't help it" Billie couldn't continue. He was sobbing the most he's ever have done in his life. Tré sat beside Billie and held Billie close to him. "I'm sorry Tré. I'm sorry for everything" "Hey Billie its alright. You don't need to apologise". They sat there until Billie calmed down. "I'm hungry lets go get food bitch" Billie chuckled and ran to the car. Tré rolled his eyes and got in the car. "Where we going to get food then bitch?" "Tré that is very rude and McDonald's obviously" "Alright". They drove to McDonald's and it was pretty much empty. Billie ordered a box of 20 chicken nuggets and Tré ordered a hamburger happy meal because the author doesn't really know what food there is at McDonald's. Tré ate his food whilst Billie hardly touched his food. "Billie are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" "Babe. Don't lie to me. Something's up" "Tré it's nothing just leave it" "No Billie. Something's upsetting you" "Theres nothing wrong" Billie said and ran out. Tré ran after him. Billie was lying down in the backseat. Tré opened the door. "Babe its okay" "Tré come here". Tré laid down on top of Billie and cuddled him. They stayed like that for an hour or so until Tré sat up. "Awww what happened? Im cold now". Tré didn't respond but stared at him. He leant down and kissed Billie passionately. Billie slowly took off Tré's shirt.

They both laid there, sweaty messes and panting. They were clothed again. "Wow" Billie whispered. Tré giggled. "You should go back home. Before you're mum finds out and go ape shit" "Nah I'll just stay over yours" "Alright. But not my fault if you get told off" "Eh. Who cares" "I do to be honest" "Ha you're different" "Whatever". Tré cuddled up to Billie and fell asleep. After 2 hours and 37 minutes Billie decides to wake him up. "C'mon move. I'm going to drive us home" "M'kay". Tré moved off Billie and sat in the passenger seat. Billie went and sat in the drivers seat and drove to his. He parked the car and they both got out. Tré dragged his feet across the ground and into the house. Billie ran up behind Tré and wrapped his arms round him. "Hey sexy" "Hey Beej" "Guess what?" "What baby boy?" "I love you" "I love you too" "Anddddddd... Up for round 2?" Billie said smirking and winked. "Oh yeah you're on" Tré replied and ran upstairs.

3 hours later

Billie woke up not long after their 'shenanigans'. He was sweating like hell. He got up and grabbed a pair of boxers. "Babe what you doing?" "I'm getting a shower" "Oh kinky" "Yeah whatever. I'm getting a shower because I woke up and fucking hell I was sweaty as fuck" "Oh alright". Billie walked off to the shower. Tré fell back asleep, being the noisiest snorer in the world. Billie got out of the shower after 20 minutes and got back into his bed. "Fucking hell Tré move" Billie said, trying to move him with his foot. "Fucking hell Tré. Move your fat ass". Tré secretly woke up with a big grin on his face so he took up more of the bed and the duvet. "Are you fucking serious? I'm freezing my dick off whilst you're hogging the duvet and the bed. Alright fine whatever no cuddles, hugs, kisses and especially no sex for you then for 2 months" Billie said getting out the bed. Tré reached his hand out and gently grabbed his wrist. "C'mon babe get back in". Billie wouldn't cave in. He stood there, arms crossed and foot tapping on the ground. "What are you waiting for?" Tré asked, sitting himself up. Billie smirked and jumped onto Tré. He kissed Tré. Tré put his hands on Billie's waist and deepened the kiss. "Come on Mr. Armstrong get some sleep" "But Tréééé. I don't want too" "Well I do now get off me and sleep" "Alright mum" Billie snarled and climbed off Tré. "Don't give me that tone either" Tré replied, laying back down and falling asleep. Billie turned himself over to face Tré. He put his arm over Tré and kissed his temple. "Goodnight Mr.Cool" and he drifted away to sleep.

Sorry I didn't update for like 2 days but here you go. Hope you like it!

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now