Chapter 10

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Billie threw his car keys onto the table and sat next to Tré on the couch. "So what do you want to talk to me about?" "About the argument before when I left". Tré felt like shit and couldn't be bothered to listen to Billie. "Billie I don't want to talk about it" "But Tré. We need too" "No I don't want too" "Tré" "Billie" "We need to fucking talk about this" "No we don't" "For fuck sake Tré you're so stubborn". Tré sat there staring at the floor not saying anything. Billie turned on the tv since Tré wasn't talking to him. "I'm sorry" Tré whispered. "Its alright" Billie softly said and hugged Tré. "But we're only friends okay?" "Yeah alright BeeJ". They both sat there watching Supernatural. "He's fit" "Sorry BeeJ I have dibs on Dean" "What no so unfair" "Nah it is fair" "Is not" "Is too" "Is not" "Is too" "Fine whatever I'll have Cas" "You have Cas I don't give a shit". Both of them ended up closer to each other but they didn't mind it. "Oh Tré guess what" "What?" "I'm back with Adrianne" "Oh. Okay". Tré felt awkward and he was close to crying. There was a knock at the door. Billie got up and answered it. "BILLIE" "MIKE". Mike jumped onto Billie and let him carry him into the front room. "Jesus lad you got heavy" "Yeah I know". Mike sat down on the other side of Tré. He nudged him and wiggled his eyebrows. "Nah he's back with Adrianne" Tré whispered to Mike. "Unlucky" "Why what?" Billie asked. "Nothing" Tré replied. "Are you okay my Tré bear?" "Yeah I'm alright BeeJ". A few hours passed and Tré became really sleepy. "I think I'm going to head home" "Wait Tré I'll drop you and Mike off" "Alright". They all got in the car and Billie dropped off Mike first. He drove round the corner to Tré's house and parked the car. "Wait Tré are you alright? Is it because I'm with Adrianne again?" "What no I'm fine" "Sure?" "I'm sure" "Swear down in my dad's grave" "BeeJ I'm not going to do that" "Tré" "Billie" "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you Tré. I know when somethings up. Mike told me about your depression" "Yeah and it has jack shit to do with you" "Tré don't say that". Tré stared at his feet. "Pull your sleeves up" "What?" "Pull your sleeves up" "Why?" "You know why" "No" "Tré just do it". Tré hesitated but slowly pulled up his sleeves. "Omg Tré why?". Tré sat there crying. "You shouldn't do that to yourself. I'm going to help you get through this okay?" Billie said holding Tré in his arms. "Can I stay over yours tonight?" "Yeah sure Tré bear". They drove back to Billie's and it was already 11:23. They both walked in and went straight upstairs. "Theres the spare room. I knew you'd stay round alot so I basically turned it into your room" "Aww thats nice of you BeeJ" "Yeah whatever night bitch" Billie said walking off to his room. Tré walked into the spare room and got into bed. He kept tossing and turning trying to get asleep but he couldn't. It was now 3:47 and he still hasn't had any sleep. He was thinking if going into Billie's room but he didn't want too. He got out of bed and carefully walked down the hallway to Billie's room. Tré slowly opened the door to see Billie sleeping. "Billie" Tré whispered. No response. He walked over to billie and tapped him. "Tré what do you want?" "Well y'know I um. I couldn't sleep. I um. Well. I t-thought I could come sleep with you" Tré quietly said, starting at his feet. "Yeah sure" Billie replied, moving over and lifting up the duvet. Tré climbed onto the bed and faced away from Billie. He smiled to himself and heard Billie's breaths even out so figured he was asleep. "I love you BeeJ" Tré whispered then fell asleep. It was soon dawn and thats when Billie usually wakes up. He sat himself up on the bed and looked over to Tré. He looked so peaceful. All the memories of them two were running through Billie's mind. Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks. He missed being with Tré but he loved Adrianne. Billie took deep breathes to calm him down. "Are you alright?" Tré asked sitting up in the bed next to Billie. "Yeah I'm fine. Just stuff" "What do you mean by 'stuff'?". Billie sighed and rubbed his face. "Billie" "Tré" "What's up?" "Don't worry I'm fine" Billie mumbled and got out bed. "I have to leave now for my job" "Wait what? Why leave at this time and you have a job?" "Yes I have a job. Music teacher at a college" "What college?" "Oakland College" "Oh wow" "What?" "Thats the one me and Mike go to" "Oh alright cool I'll go with you" "Okay. I'm getting a shower" Billie replied, walking across the room since it was an ensuite room. Tré watched him as he went and quickly got out of bed. He got dressed and went to the mirror to style his hair. He didn't realise he took that long because Billie came out the shower, towel wrapped around his waist and rubbing his hair with another towl, half an hour later. Tré looked uo at him and stared at him. "What ya doing pretty boy?" "Styling my hair" "Let me guess you've spent the whole time whilst I was in the shower styling your hair" "You know me so well" "Of course. We did use to date" "Yeah..". Both of their hearts fell to pieces at Billie's comment. "Well uh I'm just going to get dressed then we'll go" "Alright BeeJ". Billie quickly got dressed making sure Tré didn't see him. "C'mon then Tré bear" HOLD ON WOMAN. I'M DOING MY HAIR" "Jesus. And I'M the woman" Billie muttered. "Alright ready to go" Tré said, jumping up from the floor. They both walked out to the car, Billie opening the door and sitting in the car whilst Tré, well he jumped through the window. "Well. You're hyperactive today. Why?" "Just something's thats happening later" "Whats that?" "I'm not going to tell you" "What the fuck? Whyyyy? You're my Tré bear" "Its a surprise" "Alright then". Billie drove them to college. They both got out the car where Adrianne was waiting. "Hey babe can't talk in a rush" Billie said quickly, giving her a peck on the cheek. "Why's he with you?" "He stayed over mine. We were sorting our friendship out" "Yeah fair enough but why is he with you in this moment of time" "Umm". Billie looked at Tré. "He caught me smoking yesterday on campus so yeah. I'm in isolation for today I think". Adrianne look at Billie as to say is that true. "Yeah. He was smoking so I need to punish him" "Alright bye" "Bye babe". Tré and Billie walked off to Billie's classroom. "I think I have music today but I don't know if its with you" "I'll check". Billie got out a planner to look what classes he has today. "Yeah you do. First lesson so you might as well stay here" "Alright then BeeJ" "Oh yeah about that you're going to have to call me Mr. Armstrong" "You're fucking kidding me" "No" "That's dorky mate" "Yeah now shush and go do whatever". Tré went over to the drums and started jamming out. "A LITTLE LESS LOUD TRÉ" "Sorry sir" Tré mockingly said, standing up. "Don't mock me" "Bitch bring it". Billie glared at him. "Oh death stare. Me likey" "Tré don't get horny in school" "Hey I'm not. I barely get horny. You on the other hand thats basically you're lifestyle" "Yeah whatever" "Aye you and Adrianne then. Tell me more" "Whats there to say?" "Whats there to say whats there to say? When did you guys get together?" "Like a year ago" "A YEAR AGO!?" "Yeah whats wrong with that?" "You could talk to her whilst you were in England but not you're best mate. Do you even know what I went through" "Tré not in school. We'll talk about it after". Tré walked over to Billie and pinned him up against the wall. Billie tried to get Tré to loosen his grip but he wasn't budging. "Tré let me go. Please" "Why should I?" "You wouldn't like the reason why" "Say it" "I can't get you off my mind. I've never be able to and frankly its fucking hot when you push me against a wall. It turns me on". Tré blushed and stared at him. "I hope it does" Tré whispered into Billie's ear. Billie became flustered. Tré walked over to the door and locked it. "W- why did you l-lock the door?" "Mr. Armstrong. Trust me" "But what about Adrianne?" "You just said it yourself. You miss me" "Jesus you've changed since I've been gone". Tré walked back over to Billie and pinned his wrists up again. "Fuck Tré". Tré kissed Billie roughly. Billie jumped up and wrapped his legs around Tré's waist. Tré trailed kisses down Billie's neck, letting a moan slip out of Billie's mouth. "Fuck Tré. I need you".

15 minutes later

Mike was waiting outside music for Tré. He did realise that he had Billie for his teacher but he didn't mind. He kept hearing moans come from the room. "Uh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Tré". Mike had to diverse everyone to somewhere else. He texted Tré telling him to hurry up because the lesson has started.

10 minutes later

Billie and Tré were both on the floor, naked and gasping for air. "Fuck that was amazing Tré" "Yeah. Better than Adrianne?" "Yeah. Definitely". Tré smiled and held Billie's hand. Billie intertwined their fingers and look iver at Tré. "I've missed this" "Same here BeeJ". They both got dressed and texted Mike. Theres no point. Lessons nearly over. Both of you dickheads better have an excuse when people find out about the missing lesson Mike replied to Tré. They both laid back down holding hands with intertwined fingers again. They just laid there for the rest of the lesson. "Tré you need to go to your next lesson" "I don't want too" "Babe you need too" "alright" Tré pecked Billie's cheek and walked out. He walked over to Geography. He was lonely in that lesson. No Billie or Mike. There was Adrianne though but he didn't really class her as a friend. "Hey Tré" Adrianne said and sat down next to him. He grunted back at her. "You smell like Billie" Adrianne said suspiciously. Tré went pale. "Well uh I did stay over his and I had to use his deodorant" "Alright". They didn't really talk for the lesson. Tré just went on with the rest of the day like normal. But he had the thought of Billie and Adrianne on his mind. Was it true? Was he really not over Billie and Jealous of them?

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now