Chapter 7

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this chapter was a request by @Americanidiot_xcx hope you enjoy.

Billie woke up to Tré shaking him. "Billie we need to go to school" "Alright alright. But after school I'm crashing out again" "Whatever I just don't want to be late. It's kinda embarrassing going to your head of year because you were late" Tré said already getting dressed. "You're so sexy when you're getting dressed" "Billie. One that sounds so creepy and two rushing about with messy hair and shit is sexy? And the word sexy is just cringe like please don't" "Alright. Jesus whats crawled up your ass?" "Your dick mate" "Oh I wish". By this time Tré was already dressed and trying to drag Billie out of bed. "Babeeeee stop" "Billie you need to get dressed" "ALRIGHTTTT" Billie shouted and got out of bed. He put on the first clothes he could find. "We'll leave early cause I've got something to do" "What's that?" "Pick up" "Pick up what?" "Omg you don't know what pick up means?" "No. I don't think so at least" "Pick up weed ya donk" "Oh. What you're not thinking of doing it before school" "No. In school" "WHAT!?" "Jesus calm down" "You can't smoke weed in school" "Who said" "THE SCHOOL" "Calm down its not like we're going to get caught" "You're fucking mental" "So I've been told". Billie ran downstairs and Tré followed him. "We better go now. We can't keep Ian waiting" "Ian who?" "Ian Carter" "Oh.". They both ran out to the car and sped down to school. Billie ran to the alley across from school and Tré trailed behind, as usual. They both exchanged the things that they needed and parted ways. Billie walked back to Tré and put his arm round him. "What if people see?" "Tré. I couldn't give two flying fucks what people think or say. You're well cute and your mine". Tré put his head on Billie's shoulder and walked with him to school. "There's no one here yet" "Nah no shit BeeJ. We did leave like well early just to get yourself some weed" "Hehe yeah". They both walked to the back of the field and sat there. "Hey Tré?" "Yeah?" "What would you do if you were asked to join a band?" "Dunno" "Well me and Mike has got a band. I'm the singer/guitarist and Mike's the bassist but we need a drummer and I thought you could y'know" "Yeah sure" "OMG YES YOU'RE THE BEST" Billie exclaimed and hugged Tré tightly. "Alright alright you could let go now" "I don't want too" Billie mumbled into Tré's neck whilst loosening his grip. "That ticklessss when you breathe on my neck". Billie started sucking and licking on Tré's neck. "Billieeeeee" "Yeah?" "I don't want to end up with hickeys in school" "Oops. You going to have like two now" "Great. Cheers babe" "You're welcome". They sat there for a few minutes until the bell went. They both walked to tutor holding hands. "I'll see you in class" "Bye babe" and they both sat down in their seats. 10 minutes in Billie looked over and Tré and felt bad because he looked so lonely and sad. He didn't say anything and picked his stuff up to move next to Tré. "Hey babe" "Why aren't you with rhys?" "Just wanted to sit with my boyfriend. What you doing?" "Nothing" Tré said blushing and closing his notebook. Billie quickly swiped it away and opened it. "Omg. Why are you drawing me playing rugby?" "Felt like it" "Oh alright" "BILLIE MOVE BACK TO YOUR SEAT" Mrs. Grey shouted. "No fuck off" "Billie what did you just say?" "I said, FUCK OFF. I WAS TALKING AND YOU INTERRUPTED AND THAT'S RUDE YOU BITCH" "GET TO MR. WILLIAMS NOW!" "Whatever this school's shit anyway" Billie said and walked out with his stuff. "What the fuck miss" Tré said and ran after Billie. He found him punching lockers. He ran over and grabbed his wrists. "Baby stop you're going to hurt yourself" "Yeah whatever" "Just think on what you're doing at lunch". Billie smiled. "Oh don't be so dirty" "Really Billie? Just really?" "Yeah c'mon. We've got music" Billie said, grabbing his wrist and ran off. "Oh god forgot we had her. I don't really like her she can't sing for shit" Tré chuckled. "Don't be so rude now Mr.Wright" "Billie that's just no. Don't use my real name" "Whatever" Billie said and walked in. "Mr. Armstrong are you and Mr.Wright going back in the practice room again?" "If we're allowed then yeah" "Yeah go ahead. But remember this is an exam so plan it carefully" "Yeah yeah whatever" Billie said and walked out and into the practice room. He saw Tré already playing the drums. "How's my baby drummer?" "Who the fuck are you calling a baby drummer?" "You" "Oh shut up Mr. Armstrong" "Keep saying that I don't care. It just turns me on" "Oh wow okay umm. Well we better actually work" "Yeah whatever".

Time skip to 4th period (Geography)

"Billie shut up I'm trying to listen" "Who cares about Geography" "Me. I do" "Why?" "Because its a lesson I actually do well in". "Billie stop" "What?" "Rubbing you're hand on my thigh" "You love it" "Yeah but save it until after school" "But nowwww" "Why now?" "Because I'm turnt on from you saying Mr. Armstrong" "Yeah but you can wait" "Fineee" "Billie Tré stop talking" "Sorry sir" They both said in unison.

Time skip to lunch

Billie, Tré, Mike and Rhys were at the back of the field where they usally smoke. "Hey guys look what I got" Billie said pulling his bag of weed out. "Fucking hell Billie. You're not thinking of having a joint in school are you?" Mike asked. "Actually yeah. Me and Tré were thinking of smoking a joint" "Why is the faggot here?" Rhys scowled. "Fucking say that again. I fucking dare you. I will rip your head off with my teeth mate" Billie said glaring at Rhys. Billie rolled a joint and sparked it up. "What's his problem I swear he used to bully Tré" Rhys whispered to Mike. "Yeah they have a thing for each other now". Billie had half and Tré had the other half. "Mate my head feels light headed" Tré slurred. "First time?" "yEAH MaTE" "Jesus shushhhh baby" "Oooo saucy" "Mate nah. I fucking love you" "I love you too" "Nahhh I love you to Andromeda and back" "The fuck's that?" "Nevermind babes. You're going to get it tonight" Oh. Oh wow Billie shhh not in school" "Oh mate I'll do more than just say it" Billie said going in to chomp at his neck. "Fuck Billie nah". Billie ignored him, sucking and biting a little at his neck. "Billie stoppp" "Aww why?" Billie asked, sitting back up. "Because one we're in school and Mr.Watts? Well our Geography teachers just over there" "Oh who cares" "I care babe" "Oh sexy" "Shush" "sexy sexy Tré" "Billie oh my fucking god just shut up" "Oh Tré you're so cute and sexy". "Billie? Tré? Is that weed that I smell?" "Yeah it is sir!" Rhys shouted. Billie glared at Rhys. "Alright you two reception now you're parents are going to be phoned up". They both walked to reception with sir and waited for their parents to come in. Let's just say Tré's parents were fuming at Tré.

High school's a lonely place (A Trillie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now