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she pulled her long, blonde hair into a tight ponytail, adjusting it to where even her skin was in pain. betty cooper, the perfect girl next door, was going out of riverdale and adventuring out into new depths. she expressed a slight smile towards her parents, bringing herself to hug her parents and her  older brother and sister. polly, who was now married to jason blossom and had a upcoming child, shed tears, waving to her sister. her brother, smiled brightly, attempting not to get emotional. her parents both had mixed emotions, but of course wished her farewell in her journey. betty entered the minivan, gathering all of her belongings in the trunk along with veronica's. "ready?" veronica asked reluctantly. betty let out a loud sigh, and replied, "lets do this."

betty expressed such joy, staring at all the bright lights of new york city. her heart racing faster every minute they get. "prettyyyyy!!!" betty told veronica, in awe. veronica let out a small chuckle, stopping at a stoplight. "here we are, new york city!" they both let out, laughing as the light turned from red to green. "so are you excited?! you have a job at a big publishing company!!" veronica said, pumped up. "well duh! this is the dream v!" betty told her, still staring at all the bright buildings that were lit up. after a few moments of time, veronica and betty finally approached their new condo, which was of course in veronica's name. they parked their small car in their reserved parking spot, leaving their keys to a assistant that veronica hired. veronica quickly fell to the soft sofa, crashing into a deep sleep. "ahha, well this'll be fun," betty muttered to herself, setting her purse down. she put down her hair, letting the blonde waves rest from the ponytail she kept up for hours and let herself drift off to dream.

the next day betty and veronica were to live their lives in the big city and embark in a new era. veronica quickly put her assistant to work, making him assist with getting luggage, cooking, and of course cleaning. after a few hours of settling into the new condo, betty decided to get out and go to a nearby coffee shop. "the usual?" betty asked veronica, who was organizing her closet. "duh," veronica replied, astonished she would even ask. "okok just asking," she teased, getting the keys to the car. and then betty would then meet the unexpected.

the blonde beauty would then meet the unexpected, archie andrews. the guy nextdoor. her heart skipped a beat, her face filled with embarrassment, and her mind was flooded with thoughts. its just a boy, betty thought, walking past the redhead, hoping he wouldnt notice her. her blue eyes carefully watched him, her mind growing in anxiety. "next order please!" the barista called out impatiently. "oh, yeah sorry!" betty apologized, scanning the menu to order. "Ill have a mocha latte and a chai tea latte," betty pulled out her purse to pay, until of course, a familiar face offered to pay. a tall figure stood over her, and betty quickly came to realize that it was no other than the infamous archie andrews. "archie, please.." betty hissed, rolling her eyes, but alas, the redhead paid.  betty and archie would then sit down at a small table, away from the crowd. "so what brings you here to the big apple betty..?" archie asks, sipping his drink. betty would then scrunch her face up in annoyance. "so now you care about me?" she said. archie clicked his tongue, closed his eyes, and expressed a sigh in acceptance. "betty, please.." archie tried to reach out, bringing out his hand to comfort betty. "thats enough. i should get going now.." betty stood up from her chair, getting veronica's drink and walking out to her car, shedding a few tears.

betty set down the keys on the counter top, also setting down veronica's drink. she sat down on the couch, her heart wilting like it once did. "betty oh what would i do without you-" veronica cut herself off to see see betty tearing up. "betty whats wrong..?" she asked concerned, sitting down next to her. betty's lips quivered as she tried to make out words. her hands wiping away the tears, she finally brought herself to explain what had happened. "he acted like a jerk after his parents got separated, and we never talked again. well until, just now." betty finalized her story, also finishing up her drink. veronica put her hand to her chest, heartbroken with betty's story. "well, it sounds like you need a drink," veronica suggested, smirking. betty snickered, and nodded as veronica stood up from the sofa. "So? What are we waiting for? Get dressed!" and thats just what they did. betty would let her blonde locks down, and dress up a bit, and veronica (as always) would wear something a bit extra. and off they went to the nearby bar.

they arrived in a small bar located near a few restaurants. a few guys were playing pool, some were dancing, and others were just having a few drinks. veronica would go ahead and order a drink and go off to dance with some strangers, and betty would just drink alone, little by little. then a slim, but attractive young man entered the bar. he had dark messy hair, his blue eyes were mesmerizing, and glanced at betty for a split second, before turning his attention to the bartender. betty's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks became a peach color, just a bit noticeable. her eyes looked up to see him, and he looked up to see her eyes. he grinned, and stoop up from the seat that was across from hers. then it seemed he had teleported next to her. "long night huh?" he asked, looking straight at betty. "mmhmm." she muttered, avoiding to meet his eyes. "can i buy you a drink?" he suggested, hinting at the bartender. "maybe, for tonight atleast." they both chuckled, and oh boy, his smile was unforgettable to her. the bartender gave her a drink, which she of course took.  at this time, nothing mattered. archie disappeared, the darkness was away, it was just them. then they shared a kiss, maybe two. he was just a guy in a bar, just for the night. they would then enter the bathroom, where they would share some more kisses, maybe have a little more than that. but it was okay, for that night. because they would never meet again, right?

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