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betty's heart shattered. jughead's body dreaded living. their lives incomplete without each other. betty sunk into the sofa she had been sitting in often, carrying the child for about a month now. she sat there, eating, watching her favorite netflix shows. her life was lived uncomfortably, and her heart grieved for her ex-boyfriend. "atleast you avoided cliche," veronica reminded, attempting to comfort her best friend who had experienced the worst heartbreak. her heart longing for him, wondering if he had been longing for her. jughead had returned to his bad habit, an overuse of drinking alcohol, locking himself in his room, drinking his sorrows away. his unshaved face full of regret and sadness. they were filled with despondency.

jughead, a sad drunk who had a child who he could never meet and betty, a heartbroken pregnant woman who had lost the love of her life. dreading to live, betty sat in the same sofa she had gone to for weeks now, carrying a life inside her. veronica sat next to her, looking at her puffy red eyes that had been crying, and her scarred nose that had been scratched from all the tissues she had rubbed against her skin. "betty, the baby and you will be okay," she whispered, hoping betty would hear. betty's face turned to her, her heart pounding. "i cant remember the last time we kissed," her voice broke her lips quivering. "you never think the last time is gonna be the last time," she continued, tears starting to form in her eyes. "veronica, i thought we had forever, but we dont," her voice broke into a cry for help, her eyes sobbing, and her heart tearing more and more. "he was there, and then he wasnt," she explained, tears falling more and more. "veronica, it was like i blinked and he was suddenly gone," she continued realizing the worst thing she could've imagined. "he's gone," she accepted, veronica bringing her best friend into a hug, comforting her pain. her chest had a lingering pain, like something had been taken from her and shes been wanting it. it, was a him and the him was gone. her eyes all puffy and red, they continued to silently cry out their love for each other from a distance. jughead returned to his old habit of drinking, taking longer nights at the bar, skipping his days at work to avoid seeing betty. even if he wanted just to see her once again. he had to distance himself, seeing her would only hurt more. the tears that streamed down his face would slightly sting the skin, his sleeve wiping the tears that continued to come back time and time again. then, there was betty cooper. her chest felt like it was rotting, feeling like she was carrying to world on her shoulders. she tightened her blanket closer to herself, tear drops staining the fluffy coat temporarily. taking a gulp of saliva into her throat, she reminisced of the times they had together. her heart being harder, remembering one of their last moments together. it was a late night, they had been reading aloud a book for hours, smiling and laughing. she closed her book quietly as he read, his eyes carefully reading and enunciating every word and letter that was on the page. she stepped of the couch, walking behind the chair he had been sitting on. his attention all to the book, she placed her arms, wrapping herself onto her boyfriend. "what the hell betts? you scared me!" he yelled, lowering the volume of his voice as he realized that she was laughing. her laugh made him smile a bit, seeing the dimples on the side of her cheeks. back to reality her mind went, sighing a bit. betty let go of her blanket, leaving it to the ground before standing up. she picked up the ice cream container, noticing the melted bits on the couch, realizing it would stain. her legs moved to the kitchen, wiping the tears away from her face. it felt weird to her to feel the weight of another human being in her body. she entered the bathroom, looking at herself was slightly more pathetic than what she could've imagined. she saw the small bump that had been growing in her body, rubbing the bump almost felt like a reminder of her times with her ex. she turned on the faucet, the water rushing down to the sink hole. her hands entered into the flowing water, feeling its cold hard touch was a refreshing feeling. splashing the water onto her face that had been collecting dust for a while now. washing away the disgusting feeling that had been lingering for a while now. she took the white towel, drying off her face. she looked into her reflection, seeing how red her eyes and nose were, her natural state seemed inhuman. unlike jughead, she decided to pick up the slack, especially since she would be having a child. burying her feelings about the man she used to love. used to, was almost correct atleast. jughead's life was taking a toll on him, he was a sad drunk. his world was falling apart, his body felt heavier than before, his eyes were a subtle pink, and his apartment room collected dust, filled with clothes and beer bottles. disgusting really, thats the word that most people would use.

archie stepped into his room, his eyes would scan over how slobby he had gotten over the month. he pickup a few clothes, some beer bottles too, frowning upon how terrible jughead had become, almost reminding him of FP, jughead's father. "Jug, what the hell?" he exclaimed, thinking of FP was almost maddening. jughead rolled his eyes, chugging down another beer bottle and throwing it somewhere in the mess. "Jughead, you have a kid on the way you have to quit your drinking habits, you dont want to end up like your father," archie explained pilling more clothes in his arms. jughead's eyes squinted, his body filling with rage and annoyance. "Archie, do you really expect betty to let me see my child after what happened?" He yelled, scoffing from the disbelief of what archie said. archie piled some more clothes, entering the pile into a hamper nearby. "Also archie, dont you ever compare me to my father," he yelled, throwing a beer bottle to the wall, making the bits and pieces fall to the ground. "You might aswell move out then," archie replied, leaving the room to have jughead silently ponder. "Fine, by me arch!" jughead's voice cracked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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