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jughead jones spent his night drinking at the local bar, the bar he met betty cooper. sluring his words,  the ability to understand him was almost impossible. jughead was a alcoholic, drinking everyday, rarely ever getting any sleep. it was either drinking, or working late with a drink in his hand. the typed up the words on the screen for days, perfecting all of his works despite his drinking problem. he made excuses, saying that the alcohol helped his writing, which in a way it did. he was trying to get away from all of the damage he had experienced as a kid, ending up tearing himself apart, and was about to damage his blonde queen in the process, his heart tearing up with every drink he put into his body. anger and frustration going towards his father, who ended up committing suicide after jughead and his sister moved in with their mom. the scars piled up on his heart, only suffocating him in process of time.

it was 9:36 pm, everyone except betty and ms. grundy were in the office. a beer in one of jughead's hand, and the other one writing down a few notes. his vision dizzy, he rested his head on the desk, trying to gain consciousness. he shuts his eyes, the world becoming dark as he knew it before hearing a faint voice. "juggy..." the voice called out. his eyes awoke to ms. grundy placing her hand on his cheek, about to place her lips on his. his eyes, focusing on the brunette's hair, was tempted to kiss back. his heart, stopping at the thought of hurting betty, and pushed the brunette away. "geraldine, i have a girlfriend, and i love her," he slurred, confused on what she had just attempted to do. his heart racing, his eyes dizzy, and his world falling, he knew he had to go to her. he had to go to betty cooper.

he walked unbalanced, barely able to make it outside the office, but was determined to see betty and apologize for what had happened. leaning on the fence, next to him, he knew the consequences to being drunk in public. he was a living legend, a role model for you writers, but how would that compare to losing the last person he needed in life. he needed her, he had never needed anyone like that before. he needed her soft lips on his, her eyes smiling at him, and her hand in his. jughead jones didn't care about the press at that point, he only cared about her. jughead jones only needed betty cooper.

jughead's finger barely touched the doorbell, leaning against the door and breathing heavy. and then she opened the door. she helped him up from the small fall he experienced, setting him down on the couch to rest. his hand on her lap, combing through his dark hair, she admired him. grinning at his beauty. his eyes awoken from passing out, looking up to see the woman he fell for. they smiled at each other, her hand still in his hair. he sat up. sitting next to betty, still drunk from the previous drinks he had. she smelt it, she knew that smell from the beginning of time. her heart ached, knowing he had been out drinking and he was in trouble. she knew the drill. jughead had come in her apartment a couple of times, drunk and vulnerable. she would occasionally find him in his office, working and drinking. her heart broke every time that happened. "betty i messed up," he said, laying his head on her shoulder. there was a pain in a heart that had never happened before, but she ignored it and pushed through. "grundy tried to do something," he continued, his lips turning into a frown. betty's palms ached hearing her name, grundy's. "juggy, your drunk," she told him, trying to wipe the blood from her palms. "you know, archie let off my dad and my family broke apart" he would then let out, chuckling at the thought of his father. "then he killed himself," he would continue, his arm wiping away the tears. "buggy," she whispered, looking at him, concerned. bughead lifted his head from betty's shoulder adjusting his posture. she took her hands, placing them on his cheek, making sure not to shatter him. "its okay, sometimes i try and come up a way to make you smile so your eyes will do that thing they do," she confessed, laughing. his face in awe of her laugh, and kissed her like he had never before. "i love you, betty cooper," he whispered as they broke apart the kiss. "and i love you, jughead jones," she whispered back, bringing herself to kiss him once more. for a moment, their scars were erased. for a moment everything was alright. jughead picked up his girlfriend, setting  her down on her bed, unable to break their kiss. and then that night they became one.

that night, laying in bed, betty's eyes looked at his. she looked down to see the scars she had on her palms, from all the time her nails dug into her skin. she sighed, looking back at jughead, peacefully sleeping. "juggy?" she whispered in his ear, taking a risk. she turned on the lamp on her bedside table, breathing in as she tapped jughead's shoulder. his eyes awakening, he turned to betty's direction, giving her a peck on the lips before returning to his original position. "whats up?" he asked, realizing something must've happened. she bit her lip, hoping he wouldn't judge her for what she was about to say. "juggy, theres something really wrong with me," she muttered, looking back down at her palms. "i don't know what it is, and i confused and worried," she continued, looking at jughead now. she showed him her palms, avoiding eye contact, scared he was judging her. jughead looked at her, covering his hands with hers, and bringing it to his lips. he kissed her hands and healed her soul. after a small minute, they let go, laying back down in bed facing each other. "i love you," betty whispered, drifting off to sleep in the process. he smiled, closing his eyes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

sometimes you meet someone, and its so clear to the two of you on some level belong to each other

anaxiphilia // bugheadWhere stories live. Discover now