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betty would then avoid going to work for the next week. after her little fight with grundy she was just too hurt to even mention jughead jones. but damn, he wasnt even close to forgettable at this point. she kept dreaming of him, falling more and more in love with him as time went on. she would work from home, writing news reports, but nothing like before. even if she had been hurt from him, that couldnt stop her from falling more and more for jughead jones. but she kept eating ice cream from the tub, and cried herself to sleep occasionally, and veronica lodge, (aka her best friend) was getting more and more worried as time went on. it was time for a change.

"Betty Cooper we are going out tonight, its time for you to get over your sappy lover and have some fun," she stated, hoping betty would agree. betty looked up from her computer, setting down the strawberry ice cream tub that was half eaten, and looked at her best friend in the eye. "ronnie, hes not my sappy lover, and im happy with my 12 tubs of ice cream and netflix," she explained, chuckling softly. her soft, red, puffy eyes smiled for once, and it seemed she was getting better. "besides, i've decided to go back to the office tomorrow," betty continued, stuffing her mouth in another scoop of the dessert.  "but betty, i miss going out, and i cant continue on with buying you ice cream every hour, plus your gonna get fat and i cant go clubbing with a fat best friend," she explained, laughing as she tried to comfort betty. "Fine, ill go out with you," betty gave in, shutting her macbook off and finishing the last of her strawberry ice cream, throwing the tub away and cleaning off her spoon.

after taking awhile for betty to have the motivation to get dressed, she decided to wear a floral dress with a white cardigan, curling her blonde waves. veronica of course, wore her iconic dark purple dress, pairing it with dark heels and a white headband. despite the contrasting color scheme and outfits, they went out. they decided to go to a local mall, just about 20 minutes away from their humble abode. they left their car, parking it in just the right distance from the entrance, and walked towards the macy's entrance. and despite the past experiences, betty cooper finally felt happy. everything else was a blur, and she was okay for a while. at least for a while. they shopped at sephora first, veronica buying betty a new lipstick and blush,  making sure she would look extra good when she came back to the office the next day. the nude pink went well with her bright behavior, and the blush would bring her innocence back. ronnie, of course bought herself a full set of makeup, wasting probably over two-hundred dollars. they next went to a banana republic, getting betty some new business casual clothes. they bought her a new striped dress, and a new skirt with a white blouse. veronica on the other hand got herself some new jewelry. their arms full of shopping bags they finally decided to grab a bite for a burger and milkshake, as they had been craving some food from Pop's. the food they bought was of course no Pop's, but it came pretty close. "so... how do you feel..?" veronica asked, hoping her plan had succeeded. betty chuckled as she finished the last of her vanilla milkshake. "I feel great, thanks ronnie for actually getting me out of the apartment," she replied, getting her shopping bags. "i'm so relieved" she said, setting her hand on her chest. they both left the mall, feeling great and enjoying the moment while lasted. because that moment wouldn't last long.

they arrived at the apartment late, perhaps around 10:56 pm. ronnie immediately went to sleep, while betty organized what they had just purchased at the mall, getting her outfit and makeup ready for tomorrow. she smiled, grateful for her best friend's existence. then the doorbell rang, betty and veronica confused, not expecting anyone, they were cautious. veronica opened the door to find the dark haired fellow, his under eyes darker than ever before, her hair messy as always, and a bit of scruff growing. jughead jones, a drunk alcoholic, had come to betty cooper's home the day before coming back to work. her heart pounded, tears dwelling in her eyes but were quickly wiped away before they could fall to the ground. "What are you doing here?" veronica asked, glaring at the drunk, who had flowers in his hand. "ronnie," betty whispered, hoping she wouldnt do anything rash. "betty cooper, he broke your heart and im not going to let him do it again," she whispered back, gluing her eyes at the blue-eyed dream. "i make the rules, remember?" she continued to tell her best friend. jughead jones smelled like booze, looking like he hadn't slept in days, and he had red puffy eyes like he had been crying. "ronnie, its okay, i'm fine," she told her, semi-lying. she was ready though, ready to confront her boss, ronnie finally stepped back, letting her friend go, hoping and praying nothing bad would happen to her. betty stepped out of her apartment, shutting the door behind her and stepping out of her comfort-zone. she first avoided eye contact, looking at the dark sky that was watching over them. he reached out for her hand, offering to hold it for the first time. he would then say, "i'm sorry i'm not an easy person to want, or even love" his mouth quivering as he looked her, and oh boy, when he looked at her it was like they were the only two people in the world. betty looked at him, surprised and smiled softly. "who said i wanted easy?" she first started, bringing herself closer to him. "i dont crave easy," she continued, bringing herself even closer. "i crave goddamn difficult," she whispered, then bringing her lips against his, cupping both of her hands against his face. they closed their eyes and they were the only two people in the world.

the next day betty cooper and jughead jones woke up in the same bed, her bed to be exact. she stepped out, slipped into her fuzzy slippers and brushed her teeth. she adjusted her hair is a tight french braid, and wore her new outfit that she purchased yesterday, a white and black striped dress, accompanied with a black cardigan and black heels. she put on her nude pink lipstick, and wore her blush to a slightly noticeable tone. she was ready. she walked into her bedroom, watching her romantic interest sleep, his hair covering her face, and a small, faint smile appearing on his face. she stood up, nudging him to make sure he wouldn't be late for work. "hey, jughead," she whispered, squatting down. he of course didn't wake up, so she had another idea. she pressed her lips against his softly, breaking the kiss after a few seconds. "what a nice way to wake up," he said, stretching his arms up as he woke up from his slumber.   he smiled at her, genuinely happy to see her face after what had happened. "you're gonna be late for work, and your the boss so you should go," she told him, walking out of her bedroom. "no can do juliet," he replied with a beaming smile. she giggled, walking into the kitchen to find veronica cooking. "hey," betty greeted, sitting down at the kitchen island, resting her head against her elbow. "hey betty, you guys sure had a whole lot of fun last night" veronica teased, setting the bacon on a plate, along with the eggs. betty blushed, widening her eyes in shock. "y-you heard us," she asked, covering her mouth. veronica laughed, " every bit of it hon," she told her, dropping a bacon piece in her mouth, moaning in delight. "you know, if he can make you scream that loud, he's a keeper," ronnie winked, serving bacon and eggs to betty, who was flustered from remembering last night's events. she stuffed her breakfast in her mouth, walked towards the door with her bag in one arm and her keys in her hand. "oh would you look at that! i gotta go bye!" she said, muffled from the food she stuffed in her mouth.  she ran all the way to her car, giggling from last night's events.

she got to a local coffee shop to stop by and grab herself a cup of chai tea latte. but of course, archie andrews was sitting with his girlfriend, cheryl blossom. she glanced at him, then quickly ordered before walking by them. archie called out to her, making sure betty would hear what he had to say. "betty i'm sorry, i was going through a tough time and i was confused and damaged and i really hope you can forgive me," he explained, praying she would understand. betty cooper smiled, turning her head towards him. "i forgive you, archie andrews," she told him, exiting the coffee shop and  going towards her car. she forgave him, because he's what got her to jughead jones. he's what got her to her soulmate.

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