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smut below ;) (skip if you wouldn't like to read)

the raven haired prince picked up his princess, lifting her up from the floor and onto the kitchen counter. archie, jughead's roomate, was out on a date with his girlfriend, cheryl, and jughead and betty had the condo all to themselves. their lips pressed onto one another, betty lifted her shirt off, throwing it onto the kitchen floor. as jughead tried to lift his shirt off, attempting not to break their kiss, betty assisted, then to only have her hands cupped against his cheeks. moaning softly, their lips pulled away from each other, jughead to then place his lips on betty's neck, leaving a hickey. "juggy," betty moaned softly as jughead pulled her skirt down, revealing her pure white underwear. her cheeks becoming a soft red, jughead smirked, looking at how wet she was. he squatted down, adjusting his position so he can easily face her womanhood. pulling her panties halfway down, he teased her by first rubbing her clit slowly. "juggy," she moaned slightly louder than before, tugging his dark hair, urging him to stop teasing her. he would then flick his tongue into her, fulfilling his girlfriend's wishes. "jug," she moaned out as jughead found her sweet spot. screaming out in pleasure, betty climaxed for the first time this night. he nibbled the top of betty's ear, betty wrapping her legs around her boyfriend, grinding on him, impatient on whats was to come. "patience baby," he whispered in her ear, roughly kissing her as he brought her into his bedroom. shutting the door behind them, jughead slammed betty against his bed, they smiled at each other, looking at each other's beauty before they continued on their event. jughead unbuckling his pants, his little friend rose up as his pants hit the floor. kissing once more, betty slid off the raven haired boy's boxers, showing his large erection. slipping on a condom, they nodded together, jughead entering her slowly, helping her adjust. groaning, jughead moved slowly, teasing betty so she would ask for more. wincing, she gripped the bedsheets, urging him once more to fulfill her needs. moans escaping both of their lips, he slammed into her further, picking up the pace. her head threw back, her back arched, she screamed in pleasure, repeating his name over and over again. pounding into her, finding a rhythm in his thrusts, jughead kissed his girlfriend, silencing the moans that would escape from her mouth. pulling his lips away, he grunted as he was close, betty realizing he had hit the spot, and he was close. betty, he would scream out over and over again, as she climaxed for the second time, jughead finishing up a few seconds afterwards. he pulled out, throwing his condom away, and laying beside her, exhausted. "that was something," betty joked, turning to see jughead's blue eyes. "mmhmm."

(end of smut)

they rested their eyes, silently drifting to sleep as minutes passed by before receiving a call from betty's phone. betty's hands reached for her iphone, noticing that her sister, polly, was calling her. her head filled itself with anxiety and worry, hoping that polly wasn't in labor.
pressing the phone to her ear, a familiar voice called out her name. "polly? jason? is that you?" she asked, sitting up in jughead's bed. a small voiced explained the time of events that had gone on in riverdale, and betty turned her head look look at jughead's concerned face. "whats going on?" jughead whispered, adjusting his position to better hear the other end of the phone. the call ended, betty getting up and putting on her clothes, briefly explaining that polly had gone into labor but there were complications. "can you drive me there?" she asked, knowing that a flight would take too long. he nodded, walking over to his dresser to put on some clothes. 

entering the car, betty wouldn't let go of her boyfriend's hand, she needed to hold his hand as her sister would undergo the scariest part of her life. her eyes tearing up, she wiped away the tears that started form. "hey," he would say to betty, attempting comfort her. "your sister os going to be fine, her baby will be fine, we're all going to be fine," he said, lowering his voice as the car approached a stop sign. she rested her head against his shoulder, silently crying as they drove to riverdale. he was anxious, knowing he would show his face where his father had died, knowing he would meet betty's family, but he didn't care, he wanted to make sure his soulmate was alright. the traffic light showed a red light, and he took the chance to press his lips against hers, forgetting to breathe. it just didn't seem important at the time. the light turned green and they pulled away, his eyes attending to the road, and her mind going back to worrying about her sister. despite all the worrying, they sat together, hand in hand and loved each other until the end of time

they arrived in riverdale around midnight, jughead and betty restless, they walked into the hospital full of anxiety. "polly cooper?" betty asked the receptionist, jughead by her side. the dark haired receptionist looked down to look at the records, scanning for polly's name. "ah, yes, room 242," and without any thought, she grabbed the raven-haired prince's hand and dashed to see her sister. opening the door, looking to see polly's first child, a baby girl. her heart aching, betty looked at her niece in awe. "shes beautiful!" she expressed, walking over to polly's bed. "can i hold her?" betty asked, offering her hands to meet her new niece. polly nodded, placing her baby in betty's arms.  she smiled, looking at the beauty she possessed. her eyes were as blue as the ocean, and you can see her hair growing into a strawberry blonde, she had small freckles sitting ontop of her nose and drifting off onto her cheeks. she was beautiful. as betty rocked her, jughead walked over to see her, admiring her beauty aswell. betty looked over to him, showing a bright smile to share a moment with her boyfriend, her soulmate, the person she would love forever. handing over the baby to polly, she glanced at jughead, then to hold his hand to introduce him to her family. "i would like you all to meet my boyfriend, jughead jones," she would announce, smiling at jughead. suddenly, her heard pounded obnoxiously through her chest, wondering if they had been disapproving of their relationship. he grabbed her hand tight, knowing she was anxious about their reaction. "i'll treat your daughter well," he explained, trying to help the situation. alice looked at him hard, knowing she had saw that face before, the raven hair before. "jughead, did you happen to know a fp jones?" she blurted, realizing how rude she looked. he chuckled nervously, silently preparing his answer. "i do, infact, he's my father," he explained, tightening the grip he had with betty. she looked at him, knowing he was uncomfortable with the current conversation, she looked at her mom hinting at her to stop her behavior. "oh," she muttered softly. polly smiled, looking at how cute the couple was. "congrats betty, i can see that he's a keeper for you," she winked, looking back down at her baby girl. "whats her name?" jughead asked, smiling genuinely. polly's eyes lit up as she remembered her baby's name. "ah yes, her name is maya," she answered, admiring her blue eyes. the night went on, betty's head rested on jughead's shoulder, alice and hal cooper sleeping together, and polly and jason with a new baby.

the next day, jughead would tell betty he had to go eat something at Pop's, as he had been craving the burgers since he moved. she nodded, telling him to order her a milkshake and onion rings to go. although he did order the food, he passed by the cemetery, walking over to his dad's grave. he set down a three flowers, symbolizing that him, jellybean, and his mom had love him until his death, correction, till forever. shedding a few tears, he smiled softly. "hey dad, i've finally found what i've been looking for," jughead started, his voice breaking slightly. "i found a life worth living for someone," he wiped another tear as he squatted down to pick up the bag of takeout food. "and, i never thought i could be happy, and now i believe, i believe in that i have found a way to be happy," jughead turned around to walk over to his car, wiping another tear as he put on a smile. looking forward to be happy.

they arrived at the hotel room, restless, exhausted, and laid together in bed. betty turned over to her boyfriend, grinning at his blue eyes. "i love you," she whispered, scooting closer to him, so she could wrap her arms around him. he looked down, looking at her golden blonde hair, and her closed eyes. "i love you too,"

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