Chapter 2 The Kitagawa Daiichi team.

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Pic belongs to haikyuu and I do not own Haikyuu..

So today I was visiting Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High because I was invited to see the volleyball team play and I was invited by the Vice Principal to help out as a well-known all-rounded player with no life.

It took me a while to find the building but I eventually did. Thankfully .

As I entered the school I could here the kids gossiping.

'Try to avt normal.'

'Try tl act normal.'

I still got some weird glances from the students attending.
Where the heck is the guard at though. Like a stranger could just walk in the school and be like.

'Yo I'm a kidnapper and I'm gonna kidnap.'

That's not safe...wait. the guard is right there. Did he not notice me..
At all!?Dawg!

"Oh my Ghawd!!It's The Queen of the Court... Dang she is hott."

Already spotted huh.And I'm not attractive at all. My eyes are hideous and I am very bland.

"Wait it's actually Kayana Shiona!"

"What is she doing here. I mean she is soo cool so how come she isn't like bye rich people or something?"

' okay that made no sense.' I said to myself blinking in confusion. Aren't these kids supposed to be smart?

I just sighed in irritation and looked around for someone who has a brain.

Mistake made.
I saw a boy with chocolate brown hair and and brown eyes talking to some girls well A lot of girls.

'Hmn probally a Third year.' I thought. He was definately an athlete due to his muscular build. I'm not to sure so I think he has been diving or sliding also because he has a bruise or two. Volleyball.

His hands look... like they've been undeegoing some harsh spiking .Jump serve? He Specializes in jump serves.Though he is fexible, he is not a libero. He doesn't look like he has the agility for that. Not fast enough and a bit to tall. Yikes also has a flirtatious personality.Oh crap I have been staring.

A habit I have picked up . Analyzing and scanning. I can find out people's specialties by scanning them very carefully. Yip but let's be real here. It isn't always accurate so I have to see personalities and a few movements. Yah know.

I walked briskly up to him and tapped his shoulder gently.

He turned and faced me for a second before turning a slightly red. It wasn't noticable but that fake smile was.So was the impassive expression I held on my unimpressed face.

"Oh um hello. Another one of my fangirls?" He asked smiling cheerfuly.

Someone gag me. I can't stand the plastic.

I peered at the crowd of girls who were yelling to recieve his attention.
...Alright.......this rather.......not expected. Me a fangirl? No darling. Sorry to be so but like I just wanna get to the gym.

"Eh?Fangirl? Nah ,I just am a bit lost." I stated camly. He pouted. He freakin pouted. Cuute.

No not cute. Stop being stupid.

"Oh I see. Aww and you would have be-"

"Assikawa! Get yourself here!" A loud,angry voice yelled. I got scared and hid behind the 'Assikawa' guy.

Alright interesting....

A boy with muscular builds similar to 'Assikawa' marched over, scaring away the fangirls immediately with the piercing glare of his.

(School pause)Haikyuu x Reader The Queen of The CourtWhere stories live. Discover now