Chapter 6 How we play.

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Kayana pov

"Guys!Last free match before I have to leave.So let's make it great." I cheered. I glomped onto Izumi.

"I call dibs on Izu and Su-chan." I flatly said.

Ritzu was sleeping so I went and bent down and shook him lightly.

"C'mon Su-chan we're having a match." I said as he lazily got up and stretched.

"M'kay. I get to be with you ,right?" He asked. I nodded enthusiastically. He cracked a small smile.

Match tactic.
My team

The above positions are based on the team number

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The above positions are based on the team number. Eg. Shiona is #13 so her position is where the 13 is.

"-Alright so that's our game plan ." Izumi and I stated after fully explaining the rotation.

"Hmn okay got it." Ritsu said lazily.

I ruffled his hair.

"C'mon lazy boy we gotta match to win." Said.
He smirked. A lazy smirk.

"Damn right we do." He replied.Leaning into my face.

"Oi lovebirds stop flirting and get in position!"Arasi yelled.

"Hai." We lazily replied.We got in our positions and got ready to play.

The whistle blew. Our managers were refreeing and ect.

My team

The other


"Nice serve!" Izumi yelled at me . I bounced the ball. My opponents visibly sweated. My serves are killer but nah. I did a regular serve which was easily received by Hinano and sent to Morioke who set the ball to Koji who spiked the ball but Tomoya received it.

"Nice save!"


"One more!"

As the ball went up and I set it to Izumi who slammed it into the court. The other team was too slow so we got the point.

"Nice kiiiilllll Izu-chaaan~" I slirred out with an emotionless grin.

"Thaaanks~" he slirred sarcarsticlly.

"One more!" I yelled getting in position.

"One more nice serve Kayanapie!" Tomoya yelled out excitedly. (Its soo cringy😣😣but u gotta love it)


'Hmm why not a killer serve?' I thought .

I bounced the ball twice and then threw it up into the air and then ran and jumped and swang my hand diagonally. The ball made a curve dead centre into the court.





"Hehe.New serve I learnt." I laughed sheepishly.

Ritsu glomped onto me rubbing his cheeks against mine lazily.

"How did you even do that?another new serve!soo coool!" He praised.

"Well. I uh accidentally invented it during our last match when I swang my hand the wrong way.So I evolved it." I awkwardly said in a blunt way.

"That's my Kayana." Tomoya said.

"G-guys . The g-game." I said stuttering.

"Oh yeah." Ritsu said and got off.

"Let's gooo !!One moore!"Tomoya sang.

"Nice serve,Izu-chan" I yelled . He grunted.

He threw the ball up and did a jump floater which earned us another point.

"Wohooooooo~" I sang.

--Time skil by "Rockabye baby rockabye. I'm gonna rock you~~~~"--

So it was the third set.
Team Izumi-1
Team Arashi-1

Our teams were head to head.
All we need is 5 more.
5 more
5 more.

"Tomo-chan,nice receive!"

"Toss to mee!"

"Nice hit!"

"Nice block!"

"Nice save!"

It was our match point and they needed 3 points to win.

'Well . I guess it's time for my queen toss 2.0. I gave Izumi the look.He nodded. As the ball dropped  We yelled randomness as I just randomly hugged people. I ran to Arashi.

"Lhawd. You got meh sweatin bruh." I said.

"Sweaty hugggg~~!" I exclaimed and glumped onto him.

"Kayana~~~ Can't resist me huh?" He joked.

"Haha~~Nope~~~" I joked along.

"Woow. I'm so glad you smile with us.When you are in class you're like Izumi. Emotionless." He said.

"Izumi is not emotionless. Just bored yah know." I replied letting go.

Arashi gave a look.

"That's exactly what he said to me."

I shrugged

Ok I gotta head out.
--Time spippido--

I showered and put on the kurasano uniform.I said my goodbyes and of course when I hugged Ritsu he didn't want to let go.I wanna keep him.I had to meet Kageyama. Oops. I  told him I'd visit sometimes and left. Can't wait to go to Karasuno. Soo exciting.

To see character check authors note next.😀😀 I'm kinda nervous hehe.

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