Chapter 38- Christmas Special 3

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Kayana pov

I'm accustomed to being greeted by giants. But this is just over-doing it.

But anyway. I can't be a bad host now can I.

After they all entered I closes the door and locked it.

The first thing I asked.

"Would you like me to hang up your coats?"

Which went ignored because I git responded by.

"Ooohhh~ Is this my little Shirabu's girlfriend. I must say i'm jealous." He sang with a smirk.

I stood there akwardly the others kept observing my movements.

"Oh you must be mistaken. I'm a friend of his. Name's Kayana Shiona . Call me Kayana . May I get to know your names.?" I asked.

"Oh my~ my mistake. I'm Tendou  Satori." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you Tendou-senpai."

"Oho~ Soo respectful. Wakatoshi why don't you introduce yourself ."

Wakatoshi. Oh hell no. Please don't be who I think it is.

"Well I assume you already know me. Unless you forgot." A blunt voice spoke.

I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Yesh. I know who are alweady...and I could never fowget." I grummbled.

"Kawanishi Taichi." He said emotionlessly.

He seems to have a resting bitch face like Kageyama and I.

Aye. We'll be good friends.

"Goshiki Tsutomu thank you gor having us Kayana-san." He spoke with a slight blush on his cheeks

Awwwwwww. How cute.

"Your most welcome." I replied.

"Reon Ohira." Another said. Okay now he's pretty tall.

"I am Semi Eita. Pleasure to meet you Kayana-san." He said smoothly. I nodded.

"Same for you. Say your hairstyle's pretty cool." I  complimented.

"Erm. Thank you." He said averting his eyes but keeping a cool stance. He's cute But what a weird choice of clothing.....

"Hayato Yamagata. "  the last one introduced.

"Nice to meet you." I replied.
He patted my hair.


"nice to meet you two. Sorry if we were being an inconveniece to you and your parents."

"Nah. You really aren't. They aren't in today so you guys got the place to yourself. " I replied. He's sooo polite. I like him.

"Okay so if you would like snacks. You can help yourself to as many as you want. "

"I'm liking the sound of that!" Tendouo exclaimed while doing some I don't know .we all know Tendou.

"It's an all you can eat buffet so do you want to snack now and eat later. "

"Yes . I think we should do that." Ushijima said.

"Okay. "

"Well there's a  karaoke machine.Video games."

"Oh oh. I call dibs!!" Goshiki exclaimed running towards the television.

How did he find that?

"Baka. Your  probally gonna lose." Shirabu said scoffing at his  underclassman.

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