Chapter 20- Training Camp day 2

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Kayana pov

So I slowly began to feel less tired so I'm slightly awake. I felt something heavy-ish on my waist and my hands were around something warm. Whatever it is I like the warmth. It's so comforting so I snuggled closer.

"Nyaa~" I yawned and closed my eyes only to realise. I'm not tired. One weird thing though. I felt a warm breath on the top of my head.

Let me get this straight.

I have to be either hallucinating or I'm cuddling with someone.


Yip I'm cuddling with someone.

"Hmm?What ti-

"Rise and shine everyone!!"Nishinoya yelled excitedly.

"No.5 more minut-

"Huwaaah to bright!!"

"E-eh so it's Yamaguchi." I muttered looking up to see a very adorable freckled cutie with a red face.

I moved out the position before Nishinoya,the person that woke us up sees or anyone else matter-fact. I'd never live that down.

"Sorry Yama-chan." I said yawning and rubbing my eyes.Everyone was staring as Yama-chan kept apologizing though I waved it off hoping quickly no one would get suspicious.

"Kayana-chaaaan!!Your so kawaii!!"

"Umph!??" I was tackled by what I would call a Nishinoya Yuu. Its so freaking early and he's this loud. Wait...Did he call me Kawaii??Whaaaat. I didn't do anything.

"Yuu-senpai. Your too loud i the morning and I'm bein- ah!!I can't b-breathe." I struggled.

"Sorry.I wanted to hug you!!" He piped.

"I wanna hug too~" Hinata whined and joined on the tackling.

"Hey g-g-"

"Dumbass Hinata!!Get off!!"

"You guys shut up." Tsukishima said groggily.

"Hug fest!!" Tanaka yelled joining in from where? No one knows.

"I'm being sxwished(squished) tvo(to) dewest(death)." I complained.

They completely ignored my complaints.

"You have ten seconds to get off until I give you ten extra laps." I sternly said.They sprung off immediately.

"Good and don't ignore me." I huffed and walked out to change in the bathroom.

"This is gonna be a long day."


After I did I went and made some waffles ,bacon and some scrambled eggs with vegetables and tea and for dessert I made skillfully chopped up some fruits into different shapes and made a salad and put some whipped cream on top.

"There we go. I'll eat bacon waffles. I gotta buy some applepie." I murmred and sat and began munching on some bacon and waffles.

A little while later Kiyoko entered the kitchen and we greeted eachother though she seemed stunned as to how I finished breakfast while everyone was getting ready.

Soon everyone entered and were eating.

"Tobio,Shoyo,Yuu-senpai and Tanaka-senpai. Stop eating like pigs or you'll choke." I scolded,half hoping they'd choke so I can laugh.

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