Chapter 16 Ace?

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Kayana pov

So I was walking with Hinata and Kageyama who were arguing on who should see Asashi-senpai first.

'Do I go to practice?'

'Well duh. No isn't an option.'

'Things are already bad....'

"U-um." I said tugging their shirts. They looked at me confused.

I dragged them to an unused corridor.

"Am I by chance a good or bad addition to the team?" I asked.

"Huh!?" They said in usison.

"Ugh. Nevermind don't mind." I said waving it off with a blank stare.

"You guys go on I'll be around." I said and left.

My mind is being distroyed again. The depressions and truamas are huanting me again. Not again,not now. I haven't talked to Suga since last night. I saw him a few times with Shimizu and Daichi but I avoided them. Betrayed,yet again. Maybe I shouldn't be quick to jump to assumptions...He was just voicing out his opinion.This really sucks,huh?
Yeah it does. I just need to hold up until home time. When it's home time I'll run home. I can't focus. As I was lost in thought I bumped into someone's chest and was about to fall but a hand snaked around my waist and firmly pulled me to them.I sighed in relief.

"Sorry about that I wa-

"S-sorry a-are hurt?" He panicked inspecting me. I looked at him. He has long brown locks which are in a bun and facial hair. But he looks like a teddy bear. Not a fat one . A cute muscular one.....if it makes sense.......

"No I'm okay sorry for bumping into you.....-

"Asashi Azumane Third year." He shyly said . He had a gentle hold on my waist.

"Kayana Shiona F.irst year."

"Oh. My teacher talks about you alot. She says she'd like your you to visit for a class one day but I didnt know your a first year." He said nervously.

He is honestly like a gentle giant.

"I guess I could. I need to improve my studies.I'll ask Sensei-chan."

"Say Asashi-senpai did you happen to be the ace of the volleyball team?" I asked. He visibly stiffened. I felt it on the grip he had. He blushed when he reaslised he was holding me .

"S-sorry.I-i didn't realise I was d-doing that." He said panicking again.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." I mumbled patting his arm.

"Alright and Y-yeah I used to be the ace." He said. His expressiio falterrd to one of a broken heart. That look. Is the look I have every day beneath this facade of mine.

"Senpai. I saw your match will Dateko.Is that why you quit?" I asked.

Ah. I hit the nail in the head.

He had guilt all over his face.

"Y-yeah. I let the team down." He said in a whisper tone.One of shame and regret.

"Yeah...I guess I understand." I sighed.

"Huh?" He said. He looked even more dishearted.

'She thinks so to." He thought bitterly.

"There is one difference though.If your team wants you back. Then that means yo haven't let them down.I admire Noya-senpai very much and he depends on you. Like a twin brother relationship." I said .

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