Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-
Okay. Riley is going to be in 10th grade in this and Connor, Braiden, and Thomas in 12th and Toby in 7th grade and Caden in kindergarten.




I got up from the alarm on my phone. It's time for school. I go to my bathroom and get a shower and get dressed and do my hair(of course.) I go into Caden's room and wake her up and help her get dressed. She didn't need a shower this morning because she got one last night before bed. After I get her dressed I brush out her hair and put it up in a pony tail... Yes my mom thought me how to do hair problem?

"Does that look good?" I asked her after I put a flower bow in her hair.

"Yes." She smiled.

"Come on let's make sure the other boys are up." I said and we walked out of her room to Connors room to hear the shower running and we walked to Toby's room and he was still sleeping -_- really?

"Caden?" I said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Wake toby up for me while I go get some thing for me and you to get to eat made?" I said.

"Okay." She smiled I walked out of his bed room to the kitchen.


*dreaming- Hi. Nicole you look beautiful today." "Thanks." She giggled. "What about we go out on a date?" I asked her. ".....*

"TOBY WAKE UPPPP!!!" I heard a little voice shout.

"YEAHH??" I said to.

"Get up or no Starbucks for you..." She said. I shot straight up in my bed.

"You wouldn't." I said.

"Oh but I would drink all of your Starbucks." She said.

"I will cry if you do that though." I said.

"I was just kidding tobes. I love you big brother." She said. I laughed.

"I love you to. Just don't steal my Starbucks." I said.

"Nope never. I don't want to get killed." She said and ran out the room. I got up and it myself some clothes and went to the bathroom and got a quick shower.


I was eating my food when Caden came running in.

"What did you tell him?" I asked her.

"I told him that I would take his Starbucks." She laughed.

"Oh wow. That gets him up every time." I said.

"Yeah and it gets you and Connor up to." She laughed.

"Oh haha." I said and Caden started eating and the other two came in and ate to and we were in my car off to school. (A/N their school is going to be one big school. Like all the grades are in it but its like a two story large school. You get it? Okay..?)

When we got to School Toby helped Caden out of her car seat and Braiden and Thomas walked over to us.

"Another day at school." Thomas said.

"Well good morning to you to." Connor Said. "What side of the bed did you wake up on or was it the floor again?" He said laughing. Thomas slapped him on the back of the head.

"Haha no." Thomas said.

We walked inside Caden was following us and Braiden was behind her .so She wouldn't get lost in the big crowd. We made it to the back of the front lobby of the school.

"Hey guys." Zoey said. As we put down our book bags and gym bags.

"Hey." Riley said.

"Awwwh who's this?" Kristina said.

"This is Caden." Toby said.

"Hi." Caden said.

"Awwwh Hi I am Zoey." Zoey said.

"Hi I am Christina but you can call me Christi." Christi said.

"Hi I am Kristina." Kristina said.

"Hi I am Pauline." Pauline said.

"Hi I am Lucy." Lucy said.

"Hi everybody." Caden smiled at them. Just then I saw Krizia and Khole walking over to us.

"Hey babe." Khloe said to Connor.

"Hey." He said and hugged her.

"Who's this?" Krizia said looking at Caden.

"Hi I'm Caden." Caden said.

"Hi I'm Krizia." She said.

"Oh. Hi I am Khloe." She said.

"Oh yeah by the way Thomas Valerie need a help getting her science project in." Khloe said and Thomas hurried and walked off.

"We don't have a science project..?" Lucy said.

"I know he was looking desperate." She said. We all laugh.

The bell rings for us to go to class. I get my stuff and grabs Caden's hand and lead her to her classroom.

"Hi Mrs. Hinson." I said.

"Hi Riley. Is This little Caden McDonough?" She asked bending down to Caden's level.

"Yes ma'm." I said.

"Well hello Caden." She said.

"Hi." Caden said.

"Well your going to have fun in my class. You know I had two of your brothers and they loved my class." She said and Caden smiled.

She lead her inside and took her to a seat. She came back to me.

"I need to write you a late pass." She said and wrote in a piece of paper. And gave it to me. I was walking to my class when some people started walking past me. I saw Nicole Toby's crush.

"Hey Riley." She said.

"Hey where are you guys going." I asked.

"To go help Mrs. Hinson's class today." She said.

"Oh cool. My little sister is in there. Well I have to get to class bye." I said and she waved and walked off to my class room.

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