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[Meanwhile in the Cube - computer access station]

I was working with Seven on a Borg computer. Well, she was working and I was assisting. Sweat was running over forehead and it was like a sauna for me there.

"Lil, take a break. I don't want you to collapse. Go sit down", she said to me.

I was uncertain.

"Are you sure that you can work on it alone?" I asked curiously.

She nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go sit down and get some rest."

I did what she told me and sat down on the floor, using the wall as support. It cost me much effort to not wince and hiss at the pain that shot through me. I fumbled at the piece of material from my dress that got stuck in my waist injury. When I pulled it out I tried not to puke or even choke. The injury was partly purulent.

'Oh shit. Hopefully I'll stay alive and we get back to the ship.'

A sudden sound make me jump a bit. The second teen boy was standing in the room's 'door', his gaze lasting on me, before looking over at Seven.

"I have the technology you've requested", he said.

"Thank you", Seven thanked him.

"And something for you", he said, directing it to me, looking into my face.

"For me?"

He nodded and walked up. He kneeled down and I could see the disinfectant, ointment and bandages. Grabbing my leg, he disinfected it and put the ointment on. The ointment was cold and relaxing. After that, he bandaged it. I was being pulled away from the wall and laid down, him at my wounded side. He made the whole process, like he did to my leg, with my waist all over again; Disinfecting, ointment, bandages. He talked to Seven during my treatment.

"You were a drone for eighteen years", he said to Seven.

"Correct", Seven confirmed.

"I accessed your data file." (Icheb)

"Why?" Seven asked.

"I thought it might be relevant", the teen meant.

"What else did you learn?" Seven wanted to know.

"You were assimilated as a juvenile, like us." (Icheb)

"My parents were scientists studying the Borg. They took me with them. My childhood was short", Seven told us.

"Childhood?" (Icheb)

He sounded confused. I guess his memories were erased when he was assimilated.

"The years between birth and physical maturity, when humanoids adapt to their roles as individuals", Seven explained, "Perhaps you have memory of yours."

"I don't know." (Icheb)

"What about your parents? Do you remember them?" (Seven)

"No. No memories", the teen answered.

So I was right, he didn't have any memories from his life.

"If you come with us you could get your memories back", I said.

He looked at me with a light smile and I smiled back.

"I don't know." (Icheb)

That was when I was when I noticed that his voice had a slight vibrato.

"Your sub-vocal processor is malfunctioning. I can repair it for you. It's a slight adjustment. It won't be painful." (Seven)

She held something next to his head. His head backed away first with him looking at me. I gave him a reassuring nod and he leaned forward.

"The First told me my malfunction could not be repaired until we reconnected with the Collective.

When Seven repaired it, she turned around and worked on the Borg computer again.

"This colour. My mother's hair was this colour."

He raised a hand, maybe wanting to touch Seven's blond hair. But then he turned back to me.

While being taken care of, I let out a few hisses but majorly whines. When my waist was being treated, I closed my eyes tight and let some tears fall. I felt a hand touch my cheek and wipe away the tears. I opened my eyes and saw the boy's eyes staring at me.

"I'm sorry, if I hurt you."

"You didn't. But I want to thank you for helping me. By the way it relaxed me a bit. Why don't you accept the offer of captain Janeway and come with us?"

"I'm a Borg, part of the Hive, the collective."

"One mind and one voice? It doesn't look for me like that here. He is leading you. A hierarchy. Not one mind and voice."

He looked down at his hands. I guessed he was really thinking about it. But then we were interrupted by the leader.

"I thought we agreed, no irrelevant discussions. What is the punishment for disobeying the protocols?" (Leader)

"Deactivation", the second teen answered.

"Wait, they can't be serious', I thought.

"I engaged him in this discussion", Seven covered.

"Return to your station", the leader ordered him and he obeyed.

I watched him walk out. The leader followed him.

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