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[Brunali settlement]

"The Borg didn't leave us much to work with but we didn't need much, just a little ingenuity. Everything you see, we built with our own hands. Our homes, cultivation bays..." (Leucon)

"What's this?" Icheb asked.

"A genetic re-sequencer. We use it to alter the DNA of certain plants to conform with environmental conditions."

"You built this as well?"

"We adapted parts from damaged vessels. Nothing's been wasted."


"Efficiency's one attribute we share with the Borg. In our case, it's a necessity. I know our settlement seems primitive compared to Voyager, but I promise you, that will change."

"What about space travel?"

"Someday we'll have ships that rival Voyager, but we need the dedication of young people like you to help us."

"Icheb! How are you?" a young man, named Yivel shouted from a rocky field.

"Well, thank you", Icheb yelled back.

"Maybe later you can join us up on the field for a game of pala."

"I don't remember how to play."

"It will come back to you."

"You used to be quite an athlete. You can make a difference here, Icheb", Leucon told his son.

"I don't know anything about agriculture or genetics", the young boy said.

"It won't take you long to learn. Not with a mind like yours."

Seven beamed down.

"It's time to return to Voyager", she said.

"I am staying here tonight." (Icheb)

"They don't have a regeneration unit."

"We're going to have to install one eventually. Might as well do it now", the teenager's father noted.

"As far as I am aware, he hasn't decided to remain here yet."

"But he has asked to stay tonight", Leucon retorted.

"Return with me to the ship. We'll prepare a regeneration unit", Seven demanded.

[At the Cargo Bay two]

"I've adapted this neural transceiver to interface with the portable regenerator. It has enough power to complete one full cycle", Seven explained.

"We'll have to devise a way of recharging it."

"If Icheb decides to stay."

"My wife and I appreciate everything you've done for our son. It's obvious you care about him."

SEVEN: He's a unique individual. And I'm not the only one who cares about him."

Just then Lil entered the cargo bay.

"Seven, there you are. I..."

"Later please."

The young girl looked taken aback and looked between the two adults.

"Did I interrupt something important?"

"Yes. Now please go."

"Uhm... okay."

She looked down to the ground with wet eyes and backed away a few steps, before leaving the room dejected.

"Who was that?"

"That... was your son's mate."

"She's quite a beautiful girl. I hope she will let him go. If he decides to stay. To get him back, is, well, a miracle."

"How was Icheb taken?"

"Since the Borg first attacked us, we've taken great pains to hide whatever new technology we develop."

"So the passing cubes won't be attracted to your planet", Seven noted.

"Unfortunately, we haven't always been successful. One morning, about four years ago, Icheb heard me talking about a new fertilisation array we'd constructed in the lower field. He wanted to see it. I told him I'd take him the next day but he was impatient, the way boys can be. I never even realised he'd wandered off when the alarm sounded. It turns out the Borg were just as interested in our new technology as Icheb was. They took him, and assimilated everyone in the area. If only I'd kept a closer eye on him." (Leucon)

"Icheb has a mind of his own."

"But still, it's hard not to blame myself. Your parents must've felt the same way when they lost you."

"My parents were with me when the Borg attacked", Seven told him.

"I can't imagine what that must have been like for them, watching their daughter being assimilated. Helpless to defend her."

"It's important that Icheb regenerate for six uninterrupted hours."

"I understand." (Leucon)

"He may resist. He doesn't like to waste time. I've had to contend with his lack of patience as well."

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