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[At the Sickbay]

"There. Your serotonin levels are stabilised for the moment, but I'm concerned about these fluctuations. It's becoming more difficult to compensate", the doctor said.

"I will increase my efforts to control them, Doctor."

"I'd like you to consider an alternative treatment I've been developing."

"No. I will deal with this myself."

"Ensign, your life is at risk."

"You don't understand how a Vulcan copes with this experience. It's a test of his character. I've already humiliated myself and Lieutenant Tuvok by allowing a private matter to become so public."

"Give yourself a little credit. You're doing the best you can under unusually difficult circumstances. If you were back on Vulcan, you'd have your family and friends there to help you."

"I shouldn't need any help."

"I know that self-sufficiency is very important to a Vulcan, but there is nothing shameful in getting a little guidance every once in a while. I'd like you to consider my alternative, and then you can decide whether or not to try it."

[On the Holodeck - Paxau Resort]


"I don't understand the purpose of coming here."

"Trust me. Ensign Vorik, I'd like you to meet T'Pera."

A lady in Vulcan clothes was standing next to the doctor.

"Surely you're not suggesting that she becomes my mate."

"Well, I wouldn't recommend a lifetime commitment, but she might be able to help you with your immediate problem."

"She's a hologram. She isn't real."

"Then I assume you have the same low regard for me."

"You're a skilled physician, Doctor, but let me point out the limitations to your own experience with physical matters."

"I believe we're discussing your sexual difficulties at the moment, Ensign. And this holographic mate is the best solution I can think of."

"She won't be the same as a real mate."

"The difference is all in your mind, which, if I've understood you and Mister Tuvok correctly, is where the Pon farr must ultimately be resolved. Let your mind convince your body that she is exactly what you need her to be. Think of this as an advanced self-healing technique. It was still require considerable mental discipline on your part."

"There is a certain logic to your suggestion, Doctor. I will try."

"Good. Well, then, I'll leave the two of you alone."

[In the Tunnels]

"Tuvok must be wrong about this Pon farr business. It doesn't make any sense", Lil said.

"It does explain how you've been acting."

"I don't see what's so strange."

"How about starting a fight with a group of armed aliens, shouting at Neelix, giving Paris a slap in the face. If I remember, you aren't that violent."

"I know that myself. All right, so maybe I do feel something, some kind of instinct. What am I supposed to do about it?"

"When we get back to the ship, the doctor should be able to help. Or Vorik."

"Or Vorik? No. I am not helping that Vulcan petaQ! The idea of bonding with him, it's ludicrous!"

Lil was interrupted by a rockfall.

"What's this?" she asked panicked.

"The tremor must've shaken the rocks loose."

"Well, they're in the way."

Icheb grabbed Lil's arms tight.

"We don't know how stable this tunnel is. An energy blast might bring the rest of it down on our heads."

"Let me go!"

"No. I think not."

Icheb struggled to keep his hold on her and Lil struggled to get out of his strong grip.

"I'm not going to fight with you, Lil."

"Afraid you'll hurt me?"

"Lil, what is with you! This isn't about us getting out of here. This is about us mating, isn't it? But that's not gonna happen right now."

Lil looked a bit sad.

"I think it is. See, I have picked up your scent. I've smelled your alluring scent."

"No. No. I'm your friend, and I have to watch out for you when your judgement's been impaired. If you let these instincts take over now, you'll hate yourself, and me too for taking advantage of you. I won't do that."

"Just... a friend."

She looked down with a bit wet eyes and inhaled deeply before saying:

"Maybe, maybe we should continue separately."


"You don't know how strong, how hard it is to fight this urge."

"Come on."

He grabbed her hand and guided her through the underground.

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