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[In the Maturation area]

I sat in a corner in the maturation area again. All of the five juveniles were working here. The teen boy who took care of my wounds gave me a few glances sometimes. But then he was caught looking at me by the leader. He threatened with deactivation again. I really felt sorry for the other kids. They had to listen to him. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Seven coming into the maturation area.

"The resonance field collapsed. It'll take an hour to reinitialise", Seven spoke up.

I looked at them.

These delays are intentional." (Leader)

"I'm working as efficiently as I can. Examine my work for yourself if you have doubts", Seven said handing the leader her PADD.

The Leader looked at Seven's PADD.

"This data's flawed", the leader said while handing her the PADD.

"More likely it's your understanding of quadric field theory that's flawed." (Seven)

When Seven said that, the little girl looked up and the leader looked to her.

"Ignore her. She's trying to divide us." Leader)

"They rely on you, yet you lack the skills necessary to ensure their survival", Seven stated.

"We've managed so far. We're Borg. You've forgotten what that means." (Leader)

"The unity of the Collective, common goals, the quest for perfection. I have not forgotten. But you don't need to remain drones to experience those things. Come back with me and Lil to Voyager." (Seven)

"Thirty eight minutes. You're wasting time." (Leader)

Suddenly an alarm sounded causing the little girl to jerk her head up.

"Another maturation chamber is malfunctioning", my favorite teen boy said.

'Favorite teen boy?' Yes, I thought that. I could see the caring and nice side in him. Despite that he was assimilated and part Borg, he was some kind of beautiful. Don't ask me why I think like this. The foetus in one of the maturation chambers was in distress.

"Its autonomic nervous system is failing." (Seven)

"It's Borg. It will adapt." (Leader)

This guy was slowly getting on my nerves.

"It's not adapting. Let Seven help", the little girl demanded.

The leader stepped aside.

"We can modulate the stasis field to stabilise its functions, at least temporarily. Assist me. ... The field is degrading. We need to transport it into an incubation pod. Quickly." (Seven)

My heart rate picked up. It wasn't easy to watch a baby have problems. The twins did the transport. Seven opened the pod and picked up the baby. It struggled to breathe. I shakily stood up and limped to Seven who came up to me with the baby in her arms. It was really small and had Borg implants on its body.

"Why is it doing that?" the little girl asked.

"Its respiratory system is impaired, and this incubation pod is malfunctioning. We must transport this infant to Voyager." (Seven)

"No. The drone is part of our Collective", the leader complained.

Now my nerves snapped.

"Are you out of your mind? Damnit man, the baby is going to die if we don't do something!" I practically screamed.

"She's right. It won't be a part of the Collective if it dies", my favorite teen agreed with me.

I looked back at the baby and stroke over its head gently.

[In the Cube - corridor]

"Tetryon levels are rising. I'm getting closer", Harry reported.

"The shield generator should be directly ahead." (Tuvok)

"I see it. The first charge is in place. Tuvok? Hello?" (Harry)

"You left these." (Mezoti)

She held up Queen of Hearts.

"I like her. She looks like Seven of Nine", Mezoti said.

"Is Seven your friend? You know, she's my friend, too. Maybe someday, we..." (Harry)

"Your weapon won't work here. Dampening field", Mezoti interrupted Harry.

[In the Corridor]

"How long has it been since you lost contact?" Janeway asked.

"Four or five minutes", Tuvok answered.

"His bio-signs?" (Janeway)

"Doctor to the Captain. Please report to Sickbay immediately."

"On my way. Keep looking for him." (Janeway)

[At the Sickbay]

"What's the emergency?" (Janeway)

"I thought you should see for yourself. Somebody left a bundle on our doorstep. I turned around and there she was, lying on a bio-bed", the doctor said.

"Seven and Lil must have beamed her here", Janeway stated.

"Good thing, too. A few more minutes and I wouldn't have been able to do anything for her. It's hard to believe she could grow up to be a drone." (the doctor)

The baby started to cry and the doctor picked her up.

"Hold her for a moment while I take some readings." (the doctor)
He scanned the baby and smiled.

"Oh, I guess she just wanted to be held. ...
Oh. The pathogen. I finished synthesizing it." (the doctor)

He held up a little test tube.

"Start working with Tuvok on a way to deploy the virus", Janeway commanded.

"Captain, you don't seriously plan to use it?" the doctor asked shocked.

"If I have to. Let's just hope your brothers and sisters don't force my hand", Janeway directed the last part to the baby.

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