II 15

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"Lil, you have met most of the crew, but not everyone. This is B'elanna Torres and Vorik. Both work in the engine room."

I waved at them, smiling.

"It's nice to meet you."

"You will be working a few days here."

I nodded at watched Commander Chakotay leave.

"Sooo, what is my first task?" I asked curiously.

B'elanna smiled.

"First you need to get to know the engine room. So follow me."

I did what she told me and followed her. But not without looking back at Vorik. He was staring at me. I couldn't tell why. I was suddenly scared of him. He was Vulcan too, just like Tuvok.
B'elanna was nice. Really nice. She was half Klingon. I heard that they could have short tempers sometimes. But I think that won't happen when we're spending time together or when she teaches me something.

The next three hours she told me everything important what I should know about the engine room and she also showed me some things.

"And your first task here; scanning."

She stopped in front off a computer.

"Scan the warp core on abnormalities. If you're finished, come to me and show me the results."

I nodded and she left. I sighed deeply and turned to the computer and started my work at scanning the warp core.

It took me one hour. My legs were slowly hurting from just standing there. When I finished I felt a bit warm. I didn't hear Vorik coming up behind me.

"Is everything alright, miss?"

I jumped a bit and pressed a hand over my heart to calm myself down.

"You scared me a bit."

"I'm sorry if I did."

"It's okay. But for your first question, I'm going I think. Just not used to stand the whole time and work. But thank you for asking."

I walked towards B'elanna and tapped on her shoulder. She turned around.

"Already finished?"

I nodded and handed her a PADD with the results. She was studying them while I waited, shifting from one foot to another. When she finished reading, she looked up and smiled satisfied.

"That was really good work. Flawless. You really learn quick. You can make a break now. Maybe I'll give you a more complex task the next time."

"Thank you."

She nodded, still smiling and returned to her work. I turned around too and walked out the doors, having the eyes from Vorik burn an invisible hole in my back.
On the way to the ship's canteen, I met Seven.

"Lil, I see you're feeling much better."

"Yes, I also was ready for a little work in the engine room."

"You were on your way to the canteen. May I accompany you?"

I nodded. We both walked through the doors of the canteen and we both were greeted by Neelix.

"Hello you two. Something special you want to eat?"

"Just the usual", Seven said.

Neelix looked to me.

"A simple tomato soup please", I answered his questioned look.

"Just a minute."

"Lil, are you feeling all right?"

Lil inhaled deeply.

"I... don't know. I can feel something happening inside my body. But I have no clue what it is."

"Maybe you should go see the doctor."

"Maybe. But maybe I'm only hungry and fantasizing."

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