4- Dude, It's A Dinglehopper. Educate Yourself.

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I'm a single pringle ready to mingle in this bilingual world.

🥔potatoes need appreciation too🥔

"Kiss my ass." I said before blasting towards the door. I was almost there before I heard a gunshot. I instantly dropped to the floor and pretended to be dead.

"Is she dead?" I heard Isaac say. Footsteps sounded until I felt someone kick me in my side.

"OW!" I screeched before standing up. Nicholas smirked at me before folding his arms. If this bubblenugget actually thinks I'm going to help him, he's delusional. 

"Why won't you help me?!" He yelled.

"BECAUSE! I'm a unicorn." I cleared my throat before looking him up and down. "And you're a dragon. Unicorns don't help dragons. We only help horses, donkeys and potatoes." 

He looked at me as if I was insane.

Thank you.

He grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye. "Listen here unicorn, you're gonna help me stop this feud whether you like it or not." 

"I'd rather drop dead." I sneered.

He then stepped back and smirked. "Fine, I'll just blow up your entire city then."

I paled.

"Pshh, you can't do that." I folded my arms. "It's against the law. Well, at least I think it is." I held a finger up to my chin and pondered it for a moment.

"Yes, I can. Melanie, get me the briefcase." He pointed towards the brunette girl and she huffed in response. As we waited, I saw a sandwich laying on the counter, and realized how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten ever since lunch at school, and who knows how long it has been! 

I slowly began to walk towards the sandwich, but was caught by brown eyes.

"What are you doing?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Slowly dying. How about you?" I grinned and did a trusty wink before beginning to whistle.

"Continue whistling and I will chop your lips off." He said. 

I stopped whistling. 

I kept staring at the sandwich until brown eyes caught on to what I was going to do. We both lunged for the sandwich in which he got to it first. 


"Help me with the feud."

"Over my dead body." I then heard a gun click.

I suddenly wish I never said that. I looked up and saw Nicholas pointing the gun at me. Melanie finally came in with the briefcase. The same briefcase that got me in this damn situation. Oh, how I hated the guy who framed me. I swear, when I got my hands on that snake I was gonna tie him up and force him to watch anime porn. Melanie handed the briefcase to Nicholas who then opened it and shoved it in my face. 

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