6- Isn't that rape?

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I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.


I woke up feeling like crap. I rolled over and ended up smacking something. I opened my eyes to find a certain someone's bandage crotch.

"EW! BLUE BALLS!" I screeched before rolling off of the bed. Nicholas yelped awake and then saw me.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" He started to reach for some pants, but not before I saw his totally toned ass.

But it wasn't better than Calum's. No one can beat Calum. 

"What the hell are you doing on planet Earth?" I snapped back.

"I don't know. Ask my sex crazed parents." He began to put on his pants, but ended up stopping after groaning for like the millionth time.

Okay. Okay. We get it. I shot you in the balls, and now they hurt. No need to be dramatic. Yeesh.

"Do you need help with that?" I pointed towards his jeans. He was clearly having trouble putting them on and it was quite amusing.

"What am I? Five? I can put them on myself." He sneered.


I turned away and went to look for the nearest restroom. I was walking through the halls when I heard a moan. No, not a Nicholas moan, a girlish moan. It was coming from one of the doors. 

It was Melanie.

Oh my gosh. What if she's in trouble? What if she's being attacked by one of the Dragon King's minions and she needs the help of a fellow unicorn? 

I know what I must do.

I contemplated on whether or not I should go get Isaac, but I figured that he was too handicapped to help me win this war. I closed my eyes and then barged through the door.

"Don't worry Mels, I will save you!" I screamed. I ran around the room and then smacked into a wall. 

"Ouch." I got up and started to run again before I felt the bed. I jumped on top of it and started to punch at the first thing I felt. "DIE YOU FILTHY NON-POTATO DRAGON!" I kept punching until I heard screaming and felt someone pull me off.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I finally opened my eyes and was faced with a very angry looking Melanie. I looked underneath me and found a very scared looking girl. 

And guess what? 

They were both completely naked.

Oh my flip-flopping god.

"Oh my gosh! I am SO SORRY!" I tried to back away, but Melanie kept a firm grip on my arm.

"Mel baby? What is going on?" The girl sat up and covered her body with the sheets. 

"I'm going to kill you, you little shit." She hissed and pulled me towards the door. Keep in mind that she still had no clothes on. She opened the door and pushed me out and locked the door behind her.

At that moment, I experienced what true fear was.

If looks could kill...

"Mel?" I put my hand on her shoulder, then took it off after seeing the look she gave me. "Melanie. I'm sorry, I just that I thought that you were being attacked."

"Now what in fucks name would I be getting attacked by?" She flailed her arms.

"The dragon king." She gave me a look. "IT'S TRUE! Nonbelievers like you are the reason why they're flourishing so quickly!" She flared her nostrils before pushing me against the wall.

"Listen, here princess. I don't want to see you anywhere near my bedroom again. Got it? Or else you're gonna be the one laying on that bed." I gulped and she smirked. 

"Isn't that rape?" I whispered afraid to speak.

"Not when you like it." She then backed away and went back in her room, slamming the door in the process. The moaning then continued to happen even louder than before. I quickly walked away before I bumped into someone else.

Gosh darnit! Why do I keep bumping into people?!

I looked up and saw Seth looking down at me. I waved awkwardly and he waved back.

"Hey there, how's it going?" I asked. He gave me a thumbs up. "Is there any food around here?" My tummy was grumbling and needed food stat. He took my hand and then led me down to the kitchen. He opened a cupboard and took out a box of Trix.

"Seth!" I grabbed his face. "You're the only muggle in this house that I can say that I love right now." I ripped open the box and devoured the tasty cereal.

"Hey, do you have any milk?" He popped out a gallon of milk out of nowhere and handed it to me. "Thanks! You're the bees knees." I threw the milk in the box and started eating.

I'm lazy. Don't judge.

"Actually, bees don't have knees. So, when someone says you're the bees knees, they're actually just saying you're nothing and not real. So, she's saying you're nothing Seth." Derek came in the room. Tim followed right behind him.

"Well, actually they do. Bees have segmented legs, consisting of parts called a coax, a trochanter, a fe-"

Story Godmother: Oh how boring. Let's speed things up shall we?

"Blah, blah, blah, blah and blah." Tim sighed and took a sip of water. I guess being smart is hard.

"Go do a Sudoku puzzle, you geek ass bitch." Seth said before holding his stomach and lip-syncing to an automated laugh. I kid you not, this kid was lip-syncing to a robot laugh.

Wow. Kid must not like talking. 

After breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room while Nicholas grabbed a bag of weapons.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked. 

"Out. We'll be back. Don't do anything stupid." Nicholas said before walking out the door.

"Wait, you're actually trusting me to be here alone?" I was shocked. My plan would be to run away as fast as possible.

"There's no reason why we shouldn't. All the windows are bolted and barred shut, the door is locked from the outside, and there are no other exits. You couldn't get out, even if you tried." Melanie hissed as she followed after Nicholas. I guess she was still upset about me interrupting her pleasure parade.

"Don't worry about her. Be good my little unicorn. Don't hurt yourself." Isaac said before kissing my forehead and locking the doors behind him. 

Don't be stupid.

Don't hurt yourself.

Can't be that hard, right?

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