2- Master Has Given Dobby A Sock, Dobby Is A Free Elf!

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  The streets weren't made for everybody, that's why they made sidewalks❞ 


I woke up to a bright light. Am I in hell?

I groaned while I sat up. I felt like I had just been bitch slapped by my mother, but ten times worse. I looked around before I saw a door. I squealed happily before running towards it and trying to open it. 

It was locked.

No duh dipshit. What? Did you expect it to be open?

"Shut up conscience!" I pouted like a child.

Ugh. Honestly. Why did the big guy up there have to assign me to YOU of all people?

"Because I'm amazing." I struck a pose as if someone was watching.

*weird gurgling noise* Oh sorry, I just choked on my spit.

"You know what?"


"I don't need you! I can save myself!" I turned my head and folded my arms.

Alright. I'll tell the big guy that you said hello.

"I can tell him myself!"

It's cute that you still think you're going to heaven.

"GO AWAY!" I screeched.

"I can't really do that." A voice from behind me said. I jumped into karate stance and narrowed my eyes.

"Back up, I know how to fight." I leaned forward ready to attack when I saw a horse. I kid you not, this random person was wearing a horse head.

"FRIEND!" I squealed with glee. I jumped on him and squeezed him tight. "Aw, you're so cute! I absolutely LOVE HORSIES!" I grabbed his face and shoved my head onto his nose.

"Ow!" He let go of my legs and held his horse head.

"I'm sorry. You're just too cute! WE CAN BE HORSIES TOGETHER! Horsies together, horsies forever!" I pinched the flabby material of the head and kissed it. He then grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back.

"You're insane."

"-ly good looking. I know." I flipped my hair, but got my fingers stuck in the knots. "Ouch."

"Okay, I just came to tell you that you're gonna die." He said nonchalantly.

"Well, obviously. Everybody does." I waved him off and grabbed his hand. "I can't believe I have a new friend. When we get home, I'll introduce you to my older twin brothers and our pet bunny. I'd introduce you to my mom and dad, but they live in Australia for work. You could meet my best friend Seraphina if she's not too busy sucking dick."

"Um, could you let my hand g-"

"We could go to the fair and eat cotton candy, steal candy from a baby and OH! PLAY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS! EEEHH!" I was so excited that I didn't even realize when a bunch of other people came into the room. 

"We could also start an army against the orange cheeto that's currently living in the White House. Maybe we should paint the White House. Black, maybe? Then, it would be called the Black House." I was swinging our hands from side to side when I saw movement in the corner of my eye. 

*cue the shocked gasp*

"Horsey, get behind me!" I yanked him behind me and went into ninja mode. "I don't want these filthy non-potatoes anywhere near you."

"I thought I told you to kill her." A pair of brown eyes caught my attention.

"Don't listen to him Horsey. He's just trying to get into your head." Brown eyes raised his eyebrow in amusement.

"Kill her, Horsey." His deep voice flooded through the room. At his command Horsey walked towards me then pointed his gun at me.

"Horsey?" I gasped dramatically with my hand on my chest. I thought we were best friends. I was gonna ask him to join my unicorns club. How could he betray his own kind like this?

"Avada Kedavra!" Horsey was pointing his gun at me.


"Get your stupid Happy Potter fandom away from my innocent murder." Brown eyes angrily said before pushing him out of the way.

Horsey gasped.

I gasped.

"First of all, how dare you! You don't know anything you muggle!" I said.

"Second of all, HOW DARE YOU! No one bullies Harry into a corner!" Horsey said before raising his gun at brown eyes.

"Yep, you only bully him under the staircase." Brown eyes said before raising a gun of his own. They both held their guns towards one another.

I stared at first not sure of what to do.

Angel me says: "Stop this before it gets out of hand!"

Devil me says: "It's already gotten out of hand...let'em die."

I was about to go with devil me when I got an even BETTER idea.

I began to take off my shoes while the scenario took place before me. Everyone else just watched the scene unfold.

"Scared, Potter?" Brown eyes arched his eyebrow.

"You wish." Horsey glared

Sexual tension rises. Marry brown eyes.

"Stfu. I thought you left me." I rolled my eyes while everyone looked at me.

"I'm right here." Horsey said tilting his head to the side.

Well, I'm back now baby, and I'm betta than eva!

"Go away. Unless you're helping me during sex, we don't need to talk."

"But, we just met." Horsey sounded confused. Don't worry Horsey, everyone always is.

Like you'll have any.

"I'm gonna just ignore that." I said before finally getting my shoes and socks off. I crumpled my spongebob socks up before throwing them at brown eyes.

Everyone and everything stopped moving.

God: "Make sure the devil train picks her up at her funeral conscious."

Will do, sir.

"What the hell did you just throw at me?!" His eyes were raging. He looked like he would shoot at anything at the moment. Maybe throwing socks at him while he still had a gun in his hand wasn't such a good idea. I stared at him wide eyed waiting for what he would do, hoping he would fall into my trap. He picked up the ball of socks and then hurled it at me.

"MASTER HAS GIVEN DOBBY A SOCK!" I got up and grabbed the socks. "DOBBY IS A FREE ELF!"

I then ran for my life.

🦄unicorns club🐴

Anyone wanna join my unicorns club? No...okay.

Horsies Together, Horsies Forever

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