Chapter 1- Feelings

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The titans were exhausted. They had just finished fighting Slade.

Robin collapsed on the couch. "*sigh* We finally got that over with..." Robin said, putting his arm over his eyes. "Now we won't have to worry about Slade anymore."

Starfire lifted his arm off his face. "Yes, but what if he escapes from the prison we have locked him in like he always does?" She asked, worried. Robin looks at her. "Don't worry, Star. Cyborg put a special lock that only he can unlock." He said.

Cyborg pressed a button on his chest and a minature T.V. popped out. "Yes I did! Oh, and I even set cameras around the building so when he tries to escape, we'll know." He said while showing Starfire the T.V.

"So, calm down, Starfire. You don't have to worry." Robin said, putting his hand on her shoulder. Starfire smiled.

"Hey! Who ate that slice of pizza I was saving?!" Beast Boy yelled. Everybody looked at Raven. "Tch, wasnt me." She said.

"Who did it?" Beast Boy asked. "Perhaps it was friend Cyborg. You know how much he likes pizza." Starfire stated, giggling.

"Snitch..." Cyborg mumbled as he crossed his arms. "Cyborg! You'll pay for that!" Beast Boy yelled, turning into a coyote and chasing Cyborg around the room. Raven chuckled, "They're so childish." She said, crossing her legs as she levitated.

Starfire laughed. Robin came up behind her, "Did anyone ever tell you that you have a cute laugh?" He said, which made Starfire jump. She cleared her throat and pushed a whisp of hair behind her ear. "Why, no, Robin." She blushed.

"And thank you."
"No problem, Star." Robin said, playfully punching her shoulder. They both blush slightly.

"Well, um, I'll go to my room now." Starfire said.

"Okay then." Robin said as Starfire flew off. He sat on the couch.

"You like her don't you?" Raven asked jokingly.

Robin blushed, "W-w-what?! Me like Starfire?" He lied, blushing harder and crossing his arms against his chest.

Raven giggled, "Yes you do, I can see it in your face." She said.
Beast Boy laid upside down on the couch. "C'mon, bro admit it. You're diggin' her aren't you?" He asked as he turned into a spider and crawled onto Robin's shoulder.

"C'mon admit it!"




"Pretty please?"


"I'll tell Starfire..." Beast Boy turned into a cat.

"Okay! Okay! I admit it...maybe I do have a little crush on Starfire..." Robin said, his face tomato red.

"Aww...look guys. He's even blushing..." Raven teased. The Titans oohed.

Robin crossed his arms on his legs and put his head down. "S-Shut up..." He murmured. Beast Boy laughed.

"~Ooh! He's crushin' hard too, guys." Cyborg teased. Raven giggled.

Robin groaned. Beast Boy nudged him, "C'mon, you know we're just playin' with you!" He said, winking.

Robin lifts his head up and looks at the other titans. "*sigh* Promise me you won't tell..." He said. Raven puts her hand on his shoulder, "We won't. We're your best friends..." She said, smiling.

"Yeah! You can trust us, Robin." Cyborg said, winking. Robin smiles slightly.

"Thanks guys." Robin says. Beast Boy playfully wraps his arm around his shoulder, "No problem, bro." He says, smiling big.

"Now we just need to find out if Starfire likes you back..." Cyborg says, rubbing his chin.

Beast Boy jumps in front of them, "Dude! I just got a perfect idea on how you can win Starfire's heart!" He yells.

"Don't let her hear you, Beast Boy." Raven says, quickly covering his mouth. Beast Boy chuckles nerveously. "Heh-Heh, sorry 'bout that..." He says.

"What's the idea?" Cyborg asks. "Why don't you try leaving notes or gifts for her?" Beast Boy says.

Robin snaps, "That's it! Beast Boy you're a genius." He says.

Beast boy crosses his arms, "What can I say? I'm a love expert." He brags, blowing away a piece of hair that was hanging.

Cyborg and Robin laugh. Raven walks away.


Hey, guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I thought a lot about this chapter!

As you probably know, my OTP is I made a fanfic. Hey, i'm working hard on this!

Stay tuned for more chapters and updates! 😉

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