Chapter 10- Hugs and Kisses

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Meanwhile, Robin stood under a tree in Jump City park. He wore a red T-shirt, blue jeans, and black converse. Over all that, he wore a red and yellow jersey with a hoodie.

He sighed softly and popped a breath mint into his mouth.

When Starfire walked into the park, she saw a trail of rose pedals leading somewhere so she followed them. It lead to a section where there was a blanket on the grass, a basket, and a whole lot of flowers.

Then she heard shoveling which made her jump. "Who...who's there?" She shouted, eyes glowing green. She calmed down when she saw a silhouette of a male figure.

She looked closely...

It was Robin!

"Oh, its you, Robin..." She said. "Hey, Star." He blushed. "May I ask why you are present when I am supposed to meet my secret admirer?" Starfire asked.

Robin rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah....about that....umm" He blushed. Starfire stared at him, "What is it...?" She asked.

Robin blushed hard, "Starfire..." He began. "I...I'm your secret admirer..." He confessed. Starfire blushed hard. "You are?" Robin nodded.

"I'm the one that wrote that poem you love so much..." He said as he took a copy out his pocket.

He read aloud:

"Your special smile, your special face. You're a special someone I can't replace. I LOVE YOU and I always will. You've filled a space no one else can fill."

Starfire covered her mouth in suprise. "Robin...I...I..." She began but Robin put his finger on her lips.

"Starfire, you are the most beautiful being on this Earth. I don't think I'll ever meet someone as sweet and gentle as you, Star." He said. Starfire didn't know if she wanted to cry or be happy. So she just smiled.

Robin and Starfire just stood there blushing and fidgeting. They didn't know what to say!

Starfire sighed, "Robin, I need to ask you a question. Please give me an honest answer..." She said.

"Sure, Star...anything for you..." Robin said.

"W-why did you do it?" Starfire asked, blushing harder than she ever did before.

Robin blushed,

"Its because I love you, Star..." He said finally. He loved Starfire and he wanted her to know that, he would protect her, hold her, comfort her, and love her.

Starfire smiled. She felt the same way as Robin. She wanted to hold him forever.

Blushing, Starfire got close to Robin. "I love you too, Robin..." She whispered to him.

Robin pushed hair out of her face and gently pressed his lips against hers. Starfire blushed hard and closed her eyes. They pulled back and blushed harder than they had before.



"I love you.."

"I love you too, Robin..."


Holy macaroni! That ending tho, right??!! 😍😍

I seriously hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! I will write about two more then the finale!

Stay tuned for more chapters and updates! 😉😉

Ps: sorry for it being so short!

It's Because I Love You, Star (A ROBSTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now