Chapter 7- Angry Robin

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"C'mon, Beast Boy! Order something, you've been looking at the menu for 15 minutes..." Cyborg complains.

"Dude, chill, I'm gonna order somethin. Chill out..." Beast Boy says, still staring at the menu. "Well, get something because I'm STARVING!" Cyborg yells

Raven groans angrily, "You boys argue like 5 year olds..." She mumbles irritated. She crosses her arms on the table and lays her chin on her arms.

Meanwhile, Starfire and Robin were also trying to order something. "There are so many choices..." Starfire says. "Hey, why don't we get the Hawaiian Pizza?" Robin suggests.

"Okay, but no bacon or pepperoni." Beast Boy says. Robin rolls his eyes.

Starfire sat there playing with her hair and staring into space. She kept thinking about that dream she had about Blackfire.

Will ny sister return? If she does, I hope she has a better attitude then before...Starfire thought to herself.

Soon after, Speedy walked up to the titans. "Hey, titans!" He said, leaning on the table.
"Hi, Speedy." The titans said annoyed.

"What do you want, Speedy?" Robin asked annoyed. Speedy shruged, "Just came to say 'hello'." He sarcastically.
Then, Speedy went close to Starfire's face and smirked.

"Well, well. Look at this beautiful being in front of me." He flirted. Starfire blushed hard and cleared her throat.

A tick mark appeared on Robin's head as his eye twitched. He was getting jealous.

"So, Starfire, seeing anyone?" Speedy asked. "I-I am. I'm staring at y-you..." Starfire said nerveously and blushed. Speedy chuckled, "No, I mean, like, are you dating anyone?"

"Huh?" Starfire asked confused. "I do not know of this''
Robin wrapped his arm around Starfire.

"Whoa, chill, man. Star's with me..." Robin lied as he blushed slightly. Starfire jumped suprised and blushed hard.

A anime sweat drop formed on Speedy's head. He coughed embarassed, " She is? Whoa, dude, I didn't mean to--" He stuttered as he backed away.

Raven chuckled, "Heh, yeah, Speedy you better go." She said while smiling.

Speedy walked away, embarassed.

Everone looked at Robin with suprised faces. Starfire blushed slightly, "Um, excuse me, friends while I go use the restroom..." She said as she got up and walked off.

"Dude, what even was that?!" Cyborg yelled. "What was what?" Robin asked confused.

"Dude, that thing with Speedy and Star and the...the...THE THING THAT JUST HAPPENED!" Beast Boy exclaimed, turning into a bird and landing on Robin's head.

Robin chuckled, "Heh, oh that..." He blushed. Raven stood up. "Robin, how long are you gonna keep this secret?" She asked.

"Yeah, Rob. You gotta tell her sometime," Cyborg said. "You gotta tell Star before its too late."

After Cyborg said that, Starfire walked up to them. "Tell Starfire what?" She asked innocently. Cyborg cleared his throat.

"Um, uh, tell you that the pizza's almost done!" He lied. Starfire smiled, "Oh how exciting!" She squealed.
The waitress came to their table with two plates of pizza.

One with plain pinapples and one with bacon and meatballs.
Beast Boy gagged at the pizza. "You tryna kill me?" He asked with sarcasm.

"What do you mean?! Its not my fault you have a weird sense of taste!" Cyborg yelled. " 'Weird sense of taste?' Cyborg, I morph into the animals you eat--" Beast Boy was cut off by Robin.

"Enough!" He yelled loudly as he stood up. "The whole time we've been here all you've been doing is arguing over stupid sh*t! Its aggravating the hell outta me and Raven! Drop it, guys! I seriously dont give two sh*ts if you guys don't like the same foods!"

{Yes, people, I just made Robin curse. 😂😂}

The titans had shocked looks on their faces. They had never heard Robin swear at them, especially at Beast Boy and Cyborg.

Starfire especially had her jaw dropped, she never ever saw Robin this angry. She tried to calm him down,

"Robin, please, sit down. You are not yourself when you are angry..." Starfire put her hand on his shoulder and tried to pull him down.

Robin took a deep breath and sat down angrily.

Raven smacked the back of Beast Boy's head, "Now look what you did..." She said ticked off.

*******TIME SKIP********
After the pizza, the titans decided to go home after what happened.

Starfire walked into the kitchen where Robin was at. He was at the table with his head buried in his folded arms.

"Robin? Are you alright?" Starfire asked as she sat next to him. Robin lifted his head up and looked at Starfire. "Yes, Star, I'm okay." Robin answers as he rubs his face.

"Listen, Star, I didn't mean to...y'know go all out on them. It's just...they argue, but the arguments are pointless..." Robin explains. Starfire nods.

"I understand..." She says softly to Robin. "Also, if I scared you, Star, just know that I didn't mean it, okay?" Robin said as he looked into Star's eyes.

Starfire looked down, "I-I know you didn't mean it..." She says. "...just don't take things so hard..." Starfire blushed as she kissed Robin softly on the cheek.

She walked out and into her room. Robin stared blankly into the distance as he turned beet red and put his hand where she kissed it.


Awww!!! That ending was sooo cute!!

Also, yes, I did make Robin curse. (Sorry for younger readers😂😂)
If you want me to continue with them cursing feel free to comment.

I promise you chapter 8 will have more fluffiness, BlackWolfRiver !

Stay tuned, guys! 😉😉

(Also, I am so so so so sorry for making you guys wait that long....I tbh got lazy and didnt wanna write...hahaha! Never again will that happen!)

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