Chapter 4

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As other teenagers headed towards their practices and club meetings, I headed straight home. Ah, home, where I don’t have to wear pants.

When I came home, no one was home but Derek, as per usual. He was sitting in the kitchen, eating an apple.

“Hey, David,” he said, taking a bite.

“Ah, so you do own pants,” I said back, smirking ever-so slightly.

“Surprising, I know. I thought my date would be creeped out if I showed up with no pants,” Derek explained, tossing his apple core to the trash can, and missing. As per usual.

“Since when do you date?” I asked, opening the refrigerator.

“Since a super hot chick asks me out,” Derek said. “At the store.” He retrieved his apple core from the floor and put it in the trash.

I nodded, examining the contents of the fridge. “So, if you were at the store, why didn’t you pick up some real food?” I moved onto the pantry, looking for something other than diet bars and protein shake mixes.

“Weren’t you listening? Super hot chick.”

“Well, you should’ve picked up something more than melons.” I felt the smirk reach it’s way across my face.

“I’ll have you know, her ‘melons’ are ah-mazing.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. If she has a hot sister, get me her number. I’m going to go have a smoke.” I fished around in my backpack for my pack.


I gave him a look. “How do you get asked out on a date saying crap like that?”

“Just go poison your lungs,” Derek said, shooing me away with his hand.

“Okie-dokie,” I mocked, heading for the back door.

Derek’s the only person in my family who knows I smoke. He promised to keep it a secret, seeing as the nicotine keeps me less pissed off. During family get togethers, I’m pretty miserable to be around. No way could I get away leaving for a few minutes, and coming back smelling like hazardous toxins. If the folks don’t come home till six, that gives me time to shower before they get here.

After finishing my cigarette and taking a shower, I sat in my room and paraded through the Internet for a couple of hours, until dinner was done. After eating, I went back to the Internet, and paraded around some more.

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