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DD's (Dingdong) eyes trailed the floor, often glancing up to see Julian staring at Matt. He had a burning sensation in his lungs. It took the boys a while to fully set up for the podcast but they did it in the end. Matt opened the podcast the way he always would then Dingdong, being his emo self, mentioned something about no one loving him. In return the boys began complimenting him and somehow, to DD's dismay, Julian turned the conversation around.

"Well I love you two, Matt especially." DD watched as Julian winked at Matt. He felt as if a pin was stabbed into his heart. DD knows that this is what Julian does. He flirts with Matt as a sort of long running joke but still Dingdong feels pain everytime it happens. 

After a while of storytelling and such, the podcast was over. Ryan pressed the button to stop recording and made sure the video saved as Dingdong got up to go to the toilet. Once the door was closed he just fell to the floor and cried. He didn't know why but he just needed to cry. Once he had calmed himself down, DD checked himself in the mirror. He looked a state. He tried to make himself look as good as possible but he still didn't look that good. Then again he never thinks he does. He walked into the kitchen to see the other three boys chilling with nachos. Julian was looking at DD with concern, Matt was staring at Ryan and Ryan was too busy stuffing his face with nachos to notice anything around him.

"Are you okay Dingdong?" Julian questioned. DD nodded. It was obvious to Julian that DD wasn't okay. DD walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer before walking back into the living room. Julian followed. The two sat on the sofa.

"It's unusual for you to drink." Julian stated.

"mhm." was the only response. The two boys stayed silent until the other two came in.

"I think it's time for us to head off." Julian spoke for the both of them. They all said their goodbyes and DD and Julian got an uber home. Dingdong seemed distant.

The car arrived at their apartment building and the boys got out and took the elevator up to their room. They were both silent the whole time. They entered their Halloween themed apartment and DD walked over to the bin to put his beer in. DD left and went to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Julian just got comfortable on the couch and began to watch some shitty movie. 

Julian got bored after about half an hour and decided to go check on Dingdong. Julian opened the door to find Dingdong sitting in the corner of his room curled into a ball. Julian also noticed the half empty bottle of vodka and the almost done packet of cigarettes that lay next to DD. Julian walked over to DD and placed a hand on his back. Dingdong looked up to reveal his big red puffy eyes.

"Holy shit Dingdong, what happened?" DD just stared at him, he looked scared. He somehow managed to push himself further into the corner of his room and Julian extended a hand to him. DD reluctantly took the hand but before Julian could say anything, he was pulled into a tight hug. Julian, a little surprised at first, slowly wrapped his arms around his favorite person in the world. 

"C'mon, tell me what's wrong." Julian's voice soothed Dingdong. 
"I-um-I..." DD stuttered. He took a few deep breaths before finishing his words.
"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm falling apart, Julian. All of my emotions are just over powering and I can't handle it. I- I just..." Tears began trailing down his face and Julian pulled him into another hug.
"It's okay Dingdong." Julian pulled DD up onto the bed and continued to whisper soothing words of courage into his ear as sleep slowly consumed them.

Jealousy - DingDulian Where stories live. Discover now