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(A/N I drew some sketches of Dingdong and so I post it heh heh)
Julian heard the bathroom door slam and realised exactly what had just happened. He shot Matt an angry glance and Matt had a smug grin spread across his face. Julian scowled at the blonde boy who occupied the couch and he took off into the bathroom.
Dingdongs vision was blurry and he couldn't see much. He was hyperventilating to the point where he lost track of when he was breathing. A faint banging sound could be heard before he could barely make out the familiar Mexicans face in front of him.
"Dingdong?" DD blinked a few times , obviously getting his thoughts back together.
"Oh my god I was so worried." Julian pulled the other boy into a tight hug but was pushed away instantly.
"Get off." Julian looked at DD with a confused expression before placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I said get off me." Dingdongs voice was harsh as he pulled the Mexicans hand off him.
"DD, what's wrong with you? I'm not gonna hurt you." Dingdong scowled at him.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Julian looked bewildered. " You already hurt me way too much. Every single time I even begin to trust you, it backfires and the next thing I know I'm sitting somewhere crying until I pass out. All because of you with your stupid so-called 'friendship'. You're not helping me at all. If anything, you're the reason I'm getting worse each day!" Dingdongs voice had slowly grown into a shout and now Chris was standing at the door accompanied by Matt and Ryan, watching as everything unravalled. Julian stared at Dingdong before speaking.
"Dingdong I didn't kn-" He was cut off by a jolt of pain running through his face. Dingdong left the apartment to go home, leaving Julian with a terrifyed look on his face. Tears ran down Julian's face as he was instantly pulled back to reality by the pain of the slap and Chris pulling him into the living room.
The rest of Julian's night was spent with Chris and Ryan taking care of Julian. Matt left in order to go find Dingdong and check on him. Chris and Ryan were unaware of what Matt had done so now Matt was standing in the elevator on his way to Dingdong and Julian's shared apartment.
Dingdong heard the doorbell ring and quickly wiped his eyes before heading over to the door. He was shocked to see the tall skeletal boy which he hated with a burning passion standing at the door. He walked in and closed the door behind himself, pushing Dingdong out of the way in the process. Matt stared at Dingdongs face.
"Wow you're pathetic. Have you really been crying since you got here?" Matt chuckled.
"No wonder Julian hates you." Dingdong stared as Matt pressed a long bony finger onto his stomach.
"He only likes skinny pretty boys. You're just a fat ugly piece of shit." Tears began to form in DD'S eyes and he just stared at Matt.
"It's isn't Julian's fault you're like this you know? It yours." Matt sat on the couch and smirked at DD.
"Matt, get out." Dingdongs expression changed from sad to angry. Matt chuckled his now insulting laugh.
"Or what? You'll have another breakdown? You're so weak I can tell why no one likes you." Matt's phone buzzed and he looked at it for a second before standing up.
"My time to go." And with that, Matt left leaving Dingdong to break down into tears again.
After he had gotten to the point where he physically couldn't cry any more, Dingdong left to go and get some much needed items.

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