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The wake-up call came soon enough. But not how Julian would have liked.
Julian walked through the front door before dropping onto the sofa. It had been a long night at Chris' and Julian was overly tired. The sound of glass shattering echoed through the house and Julian jumped out of his skin. He walked over to Dingdongs door and creaked it open slowly. Julian jumped. Dingdong was a lot more pale and emaciated, a glass bottle that once contained vodka was shattered and lay across the floor. Julian approached the slouched figure which lay against the cracked wall. Julian trundled over empty packets and shards of glass which sharply cut his feet with every small painful step. Dingdong began to wake up but by now Julian was right next to him and had him in his arms.
"Dingdong what- why did you do this?" Julian's eyes were watering up and Dingdong didn't say anything. Julian began to shake him. Dingdong stared ahead in a melancholy state of mind, attempting to ignore his best friend who was trying his best to get a response. Julian was incredibly perturbed at the state of his friend and quite frankly, he dreaded finding out the reasons behind his friend's relapse. Dingdong opened his mouth to speak before closing it again.

"Talk to me! Please..." Thier eyes met. Dingdong opened his mouth again and Julian was relieved to finally hear him speak after so long. 

"You fucking hated me. You like Matt so much more, he's pretty. He told me all about how you only like pretty boys and I'm ugly. But... am I pretty now?" Julian could see that glisten of hope in Dingdong's red, tired eyes.

"Dingdong... I've always thought you were beautiful. You really shouldn't have done this to yourself. Matt wasn't lying when he said I like pretty boys. And you, oh my god, you are the most pretty boy I've ever met. I love you so much Dingdong, I can't stand to see you like this. The first thing tomorrow I'm taking you to get some help but for now, can you do me the honor of sleeping in my bed with me tonight?"Julian smiled at Dingdong, and for the first time in weeks, he smiled back. God how Julian missed this boy.

"Thank you so much, of course I'll sleep in your bed!" Dingdong chuckled as he stood up and outstretched his long, thin fingers in a helping gesture. Julian missed that laugh. The shorter boy took the taller's hand and got pulled up. he instantly pulled his arms under Dingdongs legs, pulling him into a bridal style carry. He carried Dingdong into his room before gently placing him on the bed and climbing in next to him. They cuddled into each other and Julian planted a kiss on Dingdongs head.

"Please promise me you'll never do this ever again, I love you too much to see you suffer like this again." He pulled Dingdong in tighter.

"I'm okay now, I promise." They spent the next 10 minutes in comfortable silence before slowly allowing sleep to consume them whilst they lay in each other's arms.

(A/N) Wow, that took a while to write because I have writer's block.Thanks for reading though! If you get the emo song reference in this book you get a virtual hug x3. I love you all so much >///< ~ Arin < 3

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