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"I'm so glad they let you out." Julian walked through the park, hand in hand with his slowly recovering lover.
"Me too." Dingdong agreed. They sat on a bench facing the lake and Julian couldn't help but admire his other half. How he could go through all of that and still come out with a smile truly bewildered Julian.
"You've got the prettiest smile I've ever seen." Julian chuckled, wrapping his arm around Dingdong, who let out a small laugh in response. The sight of the wires that kept his lover alive only reminded Julian of how much they had been through together, yet they still somehow stayed together through it all.
They shared a kiss before Julian parted and just stared at the beauty before him.
"You're everything I could ever want." He whispered, causing Dingdong to avert his gaze and blush.
" I love you so much Julian. I never want to leave you again." Julian smirked before bursting into a laugh.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" Dingdong said in confusion.
"No no. It's not that, it's just that you'll never have to leave me again." Julian got off the bench and pushed himself onto one knee.
"Julian ?" Dingdong stood up and looked down at the man he loved.
"Will you marry me ?" Julian, asked hope filling his eyes. Dingdong paused saying nothing for a few seconds.
"I - yes! I'd love that !" Excitement filled his voice and Julian leapt up to hug him.
He slowly placed the silver engagement ring onto Dingdongs slim finger.

It had happened. Everything was perfect. Two hearts bound as one through an amalgamation of love.
They are happier than they'd ever been

Wow it's deep. I'm emotional over this unironically.
I'm sad this book has come to an end but it was inevitable and I love this end so much.
Thank you for joining me on this emotional rollercoaster and I hope you all find happiness the way they did here.


Jealousy - DingDulian Where stories live. Discover now