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(A/N Thanks for 1k reads! It means a lot to me but imma keep this short so you dont get bored. T H A N K . )
It had been a few days since Julian made up with Dingdong and since then DD had re integrated into the friend group. Neither of them had said anything about the things Matt had said to Dingdong. They currently sat in Chris' house playing Crash Bandicoot and screeching randomly at the tiniest of things. Julian looked over at Chris who had his arm around Ryan's shoulder and Ryan's cheeks were bright pink. It was obvious that they were dating but they weren't official. Julian's eyes trailed over to Dingdong who was hunched over, head on his hand with a depressing glance aimed toward the game. His eyes were glazed over and he just looked depressed. He shuffled closer to DD, placing his arm around his lover and kissing him gently on the cheek.
"You okay hun? " Julian whispered. Dingdong nodded, lightly sighing as he did so.
Julian knew he was lying. He can always tell when there's something wrong. He leaned over and planted a kiss on Dingdongs cheek.
"Please tell me if there is. I love you." Julian whispered lovingly. Directing his eyes to his boyfriend Dingdong grunted a "love you too." Before looking back at the TV.  It was then that Julian noticed Matt's smirk. Oh how Julian wanted to punch his skinny ass to a pulp. However, Julian help back from this urge in favour of the friendship that the four of them had built over the past few years. It was then that Matt's phone began to buzz and emit an 8 bit tune that Julian recognised as being the works of Frankjavcee, a music producer and youtuber which the four of them hung out with from time to time. Matt picked up his phone and squinted his eyes at the screen. "It's Jackson!" Matt exclaimed before leaving the room, presumably to answer the call. "Jackson is the dude that Matt used to make skits with, yeah?" Julian questioned looking in Ryan's direction. Ryan nodded in response. "Yesterday Matt was talking about maybe going over to Jacksons for a week or two." Chris let out a small, fairly quiet chuckle. "So Ryan is going to be staying here for the week." Ryan nodded in agreement at Chris' input, his cheeks turning more red than they already were.
Julian smirked at the two. "Anyway, it's time we head off. I have some assets I plan to finish tonight. C'mon DD get sorted."
DD got up and began to pull on his coat.
As they were leaving, Julian nudged Ryan into Chris' arms and whispered "I know you guys' lil secret."

A/N wow this took too long. I've had way too much writers block but i don't wanna make excuses so like sorry guys. Also in the time it took me to finish the chapter we passed 1.5k reads so thanks so much.

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