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Around a week and a half later, the funds had been collected.
Julian did 2 livestreams where he stated the purpose and got over 1000 in donations from all of the worried fans.
Chris did some extra commissions and put some of his wages to the cause.
A lot of the people they had all come to know and love had also chipped in in order to raise the money needed to perform the surgery.
In the end, the money raised was just over enough to cover the costs.

Julian, as he had done every day since the incident, returned to the hospital and shared the news with Dingdong. Dingdongs response was to tear up and hug Julian, sputtering out a number of "thank you"s and "I'm so happy"s.

Then the day they dreaded came, the risky surgery that Dingdong needed to have. There was a high survival rate, but issues could still arise.
"You're gonna go in there and you're gonna come out with a new lung and you're gonna be okay." Julian said with his hand on Dingdongs shoulder. Dingdong only nodded in response. He was visibly worried although he tried to mask so Julian would think he was strong.
"Julian.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I just want to say if anything goes wrong in there... I love you so much." Julian caressed Dingdongs face. His skin was cold to the touch.
"I love you too, Princess." Julian kissed Dingdong for what he worried would be the last time before slowly watching him get wheeled down to the operation room.
Julian went out to the waiting room where Chris, Matt and Ryan sat.
"We saw him leave on the bed, is everything okay?" Matt questioned.
"Yeah, it's just that they're taking him for the operation now..." Julian teared up and Matt went over and hugged him.
"He'll be okay." Matt reassured. Ryan soon came up behind and joined the hug, which quickly enticed Chris to also join.
Julian pulled out of the hug and rubbed his eyes before they all sat down. Before long they had sparked up conversation about their channels and the recent movies they'd watched. Soon enough, it was getting dark so Matt and Ryan left to go home. Chris sat with Julian and kept the conversation light hearted.
Much to Julians displeasure, Chris made him sleep in the spare room and drove them both home.
"They'll call if anything happens." Chris said. Julian grunted in response.

That night Julian didn't sleep. He was too worried. The next morning Julians phone went off.
"The lung transplant was successful but he will have to remain under hospital care for a little while longer, just until he is fully stable." Julian sighed with relief before finishing the call and going to tell Chris.
It was only a matter of hours until Julian was right next to Dingdong at the hospital, waiting for him to wake up.

It was finally going good. Everything will get better.

Okay it's almost over. I think the next chapter will be the last. I'm working on some other smaller books which will be out soon, so check those out !
I'm sorry if this chapter is sloppy but it's 2am and I'm tired.
Anyway, keep an eye out for my other works cause I'm exited about these.
- Matt

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