Chapter 1

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with my original idea I had before The Undercover Assassin of Beacon Academy. This will be an interesting story. Also this takes place after they met Sun and Neptune but before the mech fight. Now onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*3rd pov*

In the forever fall forest a boy around 18 was walking through the woods at his side rested a katana in a white sheath. He wore a white jacket with gold trim and a hood with a light blue bandana tied around his right arm near his shoulder. He had a (f/c) shirt underneath and (sf/c) pants. He had on black boots and black fingerless gloves. He had braces on his legs outside of his pants.

*Yours pov*

It's been one year. One whole year since the day that changed everything for me. I was currently walking through the Forever fall forest in Vale. I was tracking a lead on the White Fang it was an old lead but it was all I had. I needed to find the person who caused this change and stop him from hurting any one else. I will find him and the girl that was with him. I walked past a few more trees then I heard voices coming from up ahead. I silently approached the area I heard the voices coming from keeping my left hand on my sheath to prepare my blade if needed. Once I got there I saw a group of ten people but they weren't White Fang. I heard one of them mention Beacon. Huntsmen and huntresses huh? I thought to myself as I took a good look at them. There seemed to be six girls and four boys. But one of them caught my attention the most. She had black hair with amber eyes and a bow on hers head. I used my semblance to get into the field to confront her. I prepped White Lotus by flicking the blade out a bit with my thumb. I then got theirs attention. "Well I was looking for some rats but I found a cat." I said to them causing them to look at me.

*Blake's pov*

We had just finished ours mission from Headmaster Ozpin. We were currently waiting on the bullhead just standing around talking. He had sent us out here to clear out some of the Grimm population. He sent Team JNPR with us for back up due to the sheer number of Grimm. Sun and Neptune just tagged along to help out. Nora was talking to us about Ren making pancakes when a voice catches ours attention. "Well I was looking for some rats but I found a cat." A voice said from behind us. We turned to look at the source. We saw a guy that seemed to be around ours age but I couldn't tell because of his hood. "How does he know about Blake?" I heard Ruby asked. "I don't know." Yang said. But for some reason he looks vaguely familiar.

*Yours pov*

"So you guys know she's a faunus. How about the fact she works for the White Fang?" I asked them. "How do you know about that?" She asked me. "It doesn't matter what matters is the fact that I can't stand and let the White Fang kill innocent people." I said to her. "But I'm not apart them anymore!" She said to me. "Is that so. Well prove it." I said to her charging her. I drew White Lotus and swung at her but she used hers semblance to escape my strike. I held my sword in my hand. "Fight me and then I'll know if your telling the truth." I told her. She pulled out hers weapon as did the others. "My fight isn't with you. Only the cat." I told them. "We're not gonna stand by and watch ours friend get hurt!" The blonde haired girl said. Well now. These kids are willing to fight to defend her despite knowing she worked for the White Fang. I thought to myself as I studied there fighting styles. "So be it. But I'm making no promises that'll you'll make it out unscathed." I said to them. "Your kidding right. It's 10 against 1. Your outnumbered." The blonde monkey faunus said.

I just smiled and dashed at them using my natural speed to get on top of them before they have the chance to react. I swing my sword at the white haired girl she blocked it with hers rapier. I kept swinging my sword increasing the speed of my swings gradually as I continued. I finally sweep kicked hers legs and kicked her into a tree knocking her out for now. The orange haired girl fired a grenade at me but I just swung my sword in an upward arc cutting the grenade in half. It impacted some trees behind me. I then used my speed to get up close to her and deliver several strikes against her and sent her flying. The black haired boy fired his two pistols at me. I swung my sword around deflecting the bullets. I charged him and threw him into the orange haired girl. Then the blonde haired boy and the red haired girl attacked me. Trying to double team me was a good strategy to bad the boys stance allowed me to exploit his weaknesses.

He swung his sword at me and I parried it and kicked him in the gut. I then threw him towards the red haired girl but she got out of the way. She attacked me and I parried hers attack. She was better than most people I've fought. We continuedto attack and parry each other's move but I started increasing my speed to the point where she was starting to get overwhelmed. I then managed to kick her in the gut and sent her flying backwards. The monkey faunus and the blue haired boy both attacked me. I just smiled and activated the lightning dust infused blade and hit both of them paralyzing them. They both hit the ground face first. Then the blonde haired girl attacked me. I blocked and parried hers punches and then swung my sword at her she jumped back to dodge it. "Ha you missed me." She said. But then something caught hers eye. It was a single strand of blonde hair floating to the ground. It hit the ground and I heard the girl say. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU FOR THAT!" She yelled as she charged at me with red eyes. I just activated the lightning dust infused blade again and dodged hers fist and struck her in the stomach paralyzing her too. The girl with the red cape charged at me with a scythe twice hers size. I parried it just barely. "A speed semblance huh? This is going to be fun." I said to her. I jumped back and charged at her we attacked one another multiple times but I was a little to slow though I managed to trick her into running into a tree knocking her out. All was left was the cat faunus. "Huh it seems your friends weren't strong enough to take me. So tell me kitty do you recognize me?" I asked her. "I'll admit you look somewhat familiar." She said to me. "Perhaps this'll help." I said to her as I removed my hood.

*Blake's pov*

I couldn't believe it. It was (y/n) (l/n). Last time I saw him was when I was still apart of the White Fang. His (e/c) eyes are staring at me almost like their gazing into my soul. The instant I saw his face I knew I had no chance of beating him. He was one of the best fighters I've ever dealt with. In fact he almost killed my ex partner Adam on that mission. If I hadn't gotten him out of there he would have been dead. I dropped my weapon. I know his village lives by a code and he wouldn't do harm to me as long as I wasn't holding gambol shroud. "Are you here to kill me?" I asked him as the others started to get up from fighting him. "Depends." He responded to my question. "On what?" I asked him. "On whether or not you have the intention of harming innocent people." He tells me. "No I don't." I said to him. He stares at me for a couple seconds before responding. "Then I have no intention of killing you." He replied. I was shocked to hear this. "Wait your not gonna try and kill me? Even after what happened a year ago." I said to him. "No." He said to me simply. "But why? I mean don't you hate me for what happened?" I asked him. "I don't like you all that much but simply because I'm keeping a promise to someone that I wouldn't take revenge." He replied with a solemn look. I know why he has that look. It's because of those events that made me question what we were doing. I was gonna say something to him but the sound of a bullhead landing stopped me. Then Ozpin and Goodwitch came out. Ozpin walked over to  (y/n). "So young man care to explain to me why you attacked my students?" Ozpin asked him.

And done with chapter 1. If your wondering what exactly happened between Blake and (y/n) you'll just have to find out later because I'm not saying. This is the start of my first story idea I had before The Undercover Assassin of Beacon Academy please let me know what you guys think. Until next time.

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