Chapter 12

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with the last chapter of this story. It's time for the final showdown with Adam Taurus. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

I was in the training room of Beacon. After the incident with Yang I didn't feel like watching anymore matches so I decided I'd go train instead. I was slicing through training bots when the alarms in Beacon started going off. "Grimm invasion!" I said as I took off running to get outside. Once I got outside I saw just utter chaos. Grimm were running around the school grounds and the White Fang were dropping out of bullheads. I pulled White Lotus from its sheath and started attacking the Grimm and White Fang. I killed a few Grimm and a few White Fang grunts when the Atlas robots started firing at me. I blocked several of their rounds and took out several of them. I kept fighting for about 15 minutes before they fell down like they lost their power. I noticed Yang taking out a few White Fang so I went over to her. "Yang do you know where Blake is?" I asked her only to be answered by her screaming out in pain. We both looked to see Blake on her back with Adam Taurus standing over her. Yang went ballistic and charged at him. Though I noticed he was preparing to use his semblance so I used my speed to stop the attack in its tracks. Our swords locked with each others. Yang was surprised at this and stopped her attack. "Yang get Blake out of here! I can handle him." I told her. "But (y/n)..." She started only for me to cut her off. "No buts Yang grab Blake and go. NOW!" I yelled at her. She nodded and grabbed Blake and Adam tried to stop her but I started swinging my sword at him to get him to back off from them allowing Yang to get Blake and leave. "Now that those two are out of the way we can have our showdown." I told him holding my sword in a fighting stance. "Hmph I guess so. Once I kill you I'll kill the blonde then get Blake." He said to me. "Your not gonna touch her!" I said to him. We then bust stared at each other. We then attacked each other swinging our swords at each other only to be blocked or parried by the other. We kept at it for several minutes before we separated to catch a breath though neither of us dropped our guard in case the other attacked. We stared at each other then we both dashed forward trading blows with each other. He swung his sword at me and hit my arm only to cut off the weighted glove I was wearing. I then removed the other one and the braces that were on my legs. "Let's see if you can keep up now!" I said to him. I then dashed at him at full speed and started swinging my sword shockingly he was able to parry most of my attacks but I still hit him a few times. We continued to trade blows with each other but he has improved a lot. This was starting to get intense. So I decided to use some moves I picked up fighting with Ruby. I dashed at him again and he prepared to block my attack only for me to turn at the last second confusing him until I came up behind him and slashed across his back his aura absorbed it mostly but it still did a good amount of damage to him. He looked at me and gritted his teeth. "Your not gonna be able to do that twice." He said to me. I smiled. "We'll see about that." I said to him repeating what I did last time though this time he did block it but I kept it up hoping that I could get another hit on him. We kept like this for awhile until he managed to get a blow on me. I then realized my mistake. He was letting me do it to wear me down. And the worst part is I fell for it. I was on my knees panting hard. I then realized their was only one way to beat him for good. "Giving up are we?" He said to me. "Never. I will defeat you!" I said to him getting up and holding my sword at the ready. We both then charged at each other.

*Adam's pov*

The pitiful human charged me again. What a stupid move I saw it coming from a mile away. I thrusted my sword forward and stabbed him through his left shoulder. I smiled as I saw his blood on my blade. But something was off. I felt weird almost like I'm going cold. I look at him to see him looking at the ground. I then look down to see his left hand at the hilt of his sword and his right on the pummel putting pressure on it. His blade was stuck in my chest. I smiled. "You took a hit to get close enough to beat me." I said starting to laugh. "Your probably the best swordsman I've ever had the pleasure of fighting. If I had to die I'm glad it was by your hands." I told him. "I'm sorry it had to come to this." He said to me confusing me. "I thought this was revenge for what I did to that girl a year ago?" I asked him.

*Yours pov*

"No I promised I wouldn't take revenge and this isn't about revenge. Lailah always wanted to protect the weak from people who think they can prey on them because their stronger." I said to him looking at him. "You know I feel sorry for you Adam. You could have been a great friend if you didn't become such a deranged killer." I told him. "You really think we would have been friends of things were different?" He asked me. "I do." I replied. "Why are you showing me such kindness?" He asked me. "Because my Grandfather says everyone deserves to be shown kindness in their life at least once. I know your a killer but I think it was the lack of kindness that drove you that far." I said to him. He smiled at me. "Do me a favor and keep an eye on Blake and make sure she doesn't turn out like I did." He said to me as he pulled my sword out of him and fell on the ground. "I promise." I told him as he died. I then pulled his sword out of my shoulder and cleaned it off and put it in his hands over his chest and closed his eyes. I then started walking towards the docks of Beacon but I fell down from the blood loss. The last thing I heard was a voice. "Don't worry kid I've got you." A voice said as I passed out.


I woke up in a bed in a wood cabin. I felt a weight on my chest so I looked down to see Blake with her head on my chest asleep. I smiled and started playing with her hair. I noticed she didn't have her bow on though I didn't mind. She woke up and saw that I was awake and practicaly jumped on me hugging me. "Oh I'm so glad your okay!" She said with tears in her eyes. "Blake I'm fine." I said to her rubbing her back. She looked me in the eyes and then kissed me on the lips it lasted for about thirty seconds before I broke the kiss. "So where are we?" I asked her. "We're at Yang and Ruby's house on Patch." She told me. "Oh okay." I said to her. She then kissed me again but our moment was ruined by a voice. "Oh get a room you two!" Yang said to us with a smirk on her face. Blake glared at her.

And done with this story. I hope you guys have enjoyed this story. I may make a sequel if I get enough requests for it. Thanks for reading.

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